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Vance pov:

We all sat down I sat in between Bruce and griffin, we were watching the silence, and it was basically a bunch of flesh eating bird creatures that are blind but have great hearing. we were at the part where they let the dog out of the car because it was barking  too loud. "NO!" Bruce yelled. He was crying because they left the dog behind "that is cruel.." Bruce said while the others were laughing

I sat there staring at the TV unphased by what happened, I felt tired since griffin woke me up early because he was excited about the sleep over. I closed my eyes for a bit and leaned my head back off the end of the couch.

Bruce pov 😉:

I looked at Vance and saw him In the HOTTEST JUICIEST FINEST SEXIEST  POSITION EVER I was daydreaming and all of a sudden I felt something on my shoulder.😉 OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG VANCE WAS LEANING HIS HEAD ON MY SHOULDER

I heard him breathing heavily but lightly at the same time it was SO CUTE

His hair was brushed against my neck and his hair was SOFT SOFT I saw finney looking at us and I just shushed him

All of a sad sudden Vance moved in his sleep so now he was in his original JUICY position

Thats when *Ding*

Skittle squad 4:07 pm

Billiam: hey gays 😊

Starb0y: hey how are you

Billiam: good?

Starb0y: scroll up rn

Billiam: oh shi

Billiam: you guys at Vance's house?

Tweetybird is online

Tweetybird: can you guys stfu

Starb0y: robin wtf

Tweetybird is offline

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