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There were multiple studs as two groups filled with people fall to the ground with a thud as everyone groans.

The group from Woodsboro is shown first in a pile of limbs.

"Okay who is touching my ass doesn't remove there hands is gonna lose it painfully by a ripped arm" a deep female voice growls from the bottom on the pile the other thing you could see was the Salvatore say light ring as her brunet shoulder length hair is covering her face.

in the other group two vampire brothers noticed that ring as there eyes widen could it be there long lost sister that disappeared after that night. they watch as what they they think is the geek of the group who scrambled off her" sorry Jocelyn please don't hurt me like last time!" the geek squeaked as some of the others slightly laugh.

the moment they were waiting happened as the women stood up she flipped her hear out of her eyes showing it was in fact Jocelyn as they stared open mouth at here while the young ones girlfriend stared confused on there reactions.  " Jocelyn" they both whisper but with her vampire hearing she was able to hear it as she froze before turning to them with a glare that sent shivers down the whole groups spin." hello brothers" she spat the word brothers with so much venom it made there faces drop.

there whole group looked at them wide eyed not havening know they had a sister well except a certain hybrid know as Klaus who smirked while watching things play out along with his sibling. the brunet beside Stefan was confused her name was Elena." I'm sorry wait brothers ? how come I didn't know about this " she says hurt as she looked at Stefan but before he could open his mouth his sister beat him to it as she glared annoyed at the doppelganger Elena.

" maybe has it ever accord to you that its none of your business" Jocelyn says with a sarcastic smile as her body felt up with anger but she looked confused hearing a chuckle before turning to see her very best friend beside Sidney of course as her eyes brighten. " now love you need to watch that temper you know how you get" he taunted her with a playful smirk Jocelyn playfully glared before wickedly smirking" what ever you say Wolfe" she playfully taunts before laughing as he ground while he sibling laugh and teased him.

Damon looked at her confused before holding his hands up" wait hold up how do you know Klaus" he question she turns to glare at her older brother." we met a few years after I turned and left" before she slyly smirked as she turned to Elena" how was the ritual by the way"

this caused the whole scooby gang as Damon sped to his sister pushing her against the wall as he bared his fangs at her. she just stared coldly up at her older brother" you nor Stefan have changed since that night" before picking him up by his throat surprising him before she threw him across the room with a loud thud as his group rushed to chucked on him while Sidney walked over to her bestfriend " are you okay" Jocelyn side glanced at her while her group and friend looked worried at her while gale weathers looked frighten and confused cause that wasn't normal at all. 

she gave her a slight nod before looking at here brothers with a scuff " you two haven't changed one bit since that night its like 1864 all over again expect with a doppelganger who looks just like...her" she growls as she glared fiercely at gale looks wide eyed" wait did you just say....1864" she says with slight disbelief making Jocelyn groan annoyed at the woman.

Billy and stu both smirked since she was the other person in the room who didn't know " yes gale since you haven't figured it out yet I'm not exactly human or alive for that that matter. Jocelyn slowly smirked as her eyes darken almost completely black as veins soon slowly appear as he fangs descend before she lets out a loud hiss scaring the poor women who hid behind an amused Dewey he playfully glared at his honorary other sister while the others laughed at her antics. 

soon they all stop when suddenly a voice appears in the darkness above " good I've seen yawl have been causing fun but know lets get to business you are here to watch the life of Jocelyn how how she changed that night and for sibling to see what it means how important family is and for them to stay strong even in the most worst of times ..." the voices trails off into the darkness.

Jocelyn groans" really we got to watch my life" she asked the voice but the only answer she got was when the light dims meaning the movie was about to start as she just sighed before plopping down beside her friends and group as the movie so starts.

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