He cant be dead

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Everything faded as Quackity let lose the final blow upon Dream, his last breath and i mean very last breath was taken in pain as Blood poured from the wound on Dreams chest and a final tear raced down his face. "Fianally everyone will Celebrate your death Dream, and i will be a hero" quackity laughed before calling Sam to send over the platform and leaving. Sam who hadnt been paying attention over across the platform to check on Dreams wounds this time only when he got there it was already to late. He stopped dead in his tracks realising the situation as he picked Dreams beaten body up and walked it to the prison entrance were quackity had stopped to talk to Techno who was standing there conversing with Nikki but when Techno looked up at Sam who was walking out he stopped talking causing those around him to look were he was now looking in utter horror "s-sam is that..." Nikki stuttered sam just solemly nodded "care to explain quackity" sam said angrily Quackity just laughed "what is there to explain, the monster is dead" Techni lost it "MONSTER?" he yelled "HE WAS DEFENCELESS HE HAD NO CHANCE AT A FIGHT YOU COWARD, AND ON TOP OF THAT HE DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE" the pig man stood tall standing over a now cowering Quackity people started walking over after hearing the ruckus some gasped and some stood silent Tommy looked like he couldnt care less, but there behind all if them was wilbur who had been revived not long before. "Quackity if i were you i would watch your back" Techno whispered threateningly Quackity looked around Wilbur nodded agreeing with Techno. Quackity was definatly fucked.

New story sorry the first chapter is really short im really tired but i will work on it soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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