Inside The Spooky Mansion

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The lights beside the doorway went out. She noticed Melodie when he turned around. Then she was gone.

Swiftly, he bolted up the stairs to the right. Then it dawned on him that this is Kate's home. She is also the closest friend he has.

There were twelve doors on the second floor when he got there. The secret room at the end of the hallway materialized when he turned all the doorknobs. The hallway then stretched.

Melodie started walking up the steps. And so that she would walk slowly, Xavier moved to the end of the hallway slowly as soon as he heard her footsteps.

He had another thought as he was moving.

"Why was the old lady outside this house so calm?"

Then he arrived at the hallway's end thirty seconds later. He threw open the door and shut it behind him. Subsequently, the girl dashed towards the door at breakneck speed. Xavier couldn't understand why she couldn't run at her own pace. He didn't complain, though.

2 hours later...

Xavier was standing at the mansion's hidden room window, staring out at a dark and stormy night. He chose to call Kate right away after remembering that the elderly woman had also left out the appropriate time to do so.

Xavier gave Kate a thorough explanation of everything when she answered the phone, and Kate then proceeded to this mansion. She was taken aback to discover that, although the house was in reverse and the objects were rearranged, it truly looked like her home.

"Xavier? I'm here already..." Said Kate.

"Ok. Go in. BUT! BUT BUT BUT! Once you go in, the lights will turn off. Then you'll see her. Then she'll disappear. Then go upstairs." Said Xavier.


Then Melodie appears.


Then vanishes. Kate then heads upstairs.

"Which door?"

"Twist all the doorknobs then go to the end of the hallway very slowly."

She turns each doorknob in its proper direction before moving slowly to the hallway's end.

"Why should I walk slowly?"

"Melodie is behind you, and if you run or walk fast, she'll walk or run at the same speed as you."

"WHAT??!! WHY!!??"

"I don't know."

She then arrives at the hallway's end a short while later.

The Girl in the Spooky MansionWhere stories live. Discover now