Another Rainy Morning

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    Jeff quietly opened his eyes, met with the still sleeping Jack. He wasn't entirely sure what time it was but he knew it had to be some time after noon, given that's when he usually woke up. First thing he did when he got up was look out the window, met with the delightfully gloomy sight of a storm. Looked like they'd have to spend the day inside again.

    He didn't mind this, actually he was quite happy. The bleached killer loved the energy around rainy days. It was so calming, the sounds of rain hitting the roof with occasional thunder. He could spend every day like this. A cup of coffee, wearing whatever he had slept in, relaxing on the couch with a blanket draped over him; it was the perfect way to spend the day.

    "Hey Sleeping Beauty," Jeff smiled while Jack groggily sat up. "You slept in."

The demon was too busy waking up to come up with a snarky remark, instead he waved a gray hand at Jeff. He slightly flinched when a loud crack of thunder echoed through the room.

"Shit," He murmured while covering his elven ears, "Can you-"

"I already got 'em," Jeff chuckled and handed Jack the small box of earplugs.

The demon let out a long sigh of relief as he put the small things in his ears, finally at complete peace. He could still hear everything important, the only thing blocked out was the loud background noise.

"Well, I take it we're spending today inside?" He asked while laying back down, curling into the warmth of the blankets.

"Most likely," Jeff got back up, "Come on, lets go make some coffee together."

Jack was a little surprised by Jeff's straight to the point request, but ultimately got up and followed Jeff into the kitchen. He quietly sat on the counter while Jeff did whatever was necessary to make their coffee. Every so often the demon let out a small yawn, still not fully awake.

    While Jack did his own little thing, Jeff did his. Most of his mind was taken up with the grand debate on if he should tell Jack about the other night, the conversation between him and Chernabog. He wasn't entirely sure if it would be a good idea. The last thing he wanted Jack to think was that he was spying or being weird. After a while he decided it was best to just leave it as it was and say nothing. He would wait for Jack to bring it up, if he ever did. Or he would wait until Chernabog said something, and that's only if he did. It wasn't like the two talked often.

    "What made you want me in here so bad?" The one on Jeff's mind suddenly piped up.

    "I was craving to speak with my favorite demon."

    "Oh, I'm honored."

    Jeff rolled his eyes, "Not you, dipshit. I was talking about the other demon, my favorite Chernabog." He gave Jack a shiteating grin, despite him not being able to see it.

    "Well, me and your favorite demon will be taking our leave with our coffee now. You can sleep on the floor." Jack unknowingly returned the smile, "Good day."

    The bleached killer smiled as he continued on his own coffee, watching as Jack sipped on his. He assumed it was excruciatingly hot, seeing as how he had just finished making it. Moreso he wondered how Jack could possibly enjoy straight coffee with nothing to sweeten it. The man had terrible taste. At least according to Jeff he did.

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