Stolen with No Remorse

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"8 O'Clock. You, Me, and a Lavish Restaurant." A boy with a slight lisp, he's young, just as you are. The same year, 7 of age. His dirty, unkept blonde hair resting just above his eyes, his big blue eyes fixed on yours. His is head slightly tilted up; you're taller than him by a couple inches.

"My Mama told me not to look at boys until i'm older." you say with your back turned to him, your hands covering your eyes. You took Mama's rule quite literally. You hear the crunching of leafs as he makes his way in front of you, large trees all around you both. A Forest. He takes his hands, and places them on yours. He rests them there, saying nothing, just staring at you. He then drops his hands to the side. 

"Then I shall wait, my love." He says in a soft, yet slightly disappointed tone. He huffs and looks away. You slowly draw your hands away from your eyes, Acknowledging his features. You smile a bit, he was you at least. His eyes then reach yours, and you both stare for a moment. He smiles back as your smile immediately drops, when you realize you've been smiling in admiration of this mystery boy.

"I believe your what my Mama calls Papa...St-Stubborn? I sure do hope I've used it correctly" he says tilting his head to the side, still looking at you. Your jaw drops, having known what the word is ment. You look at him, his expression automatically one of apologetic features. 

"Oh No, Im truly sorry. I didn't mean to say something to hurt you.." He says seeming like he's about to cry. He runs off, embarrassed, as you just stare, feeling guilty. 

You find him under a tree...crying into his knees. You sit beside him and begin to cry, in an exaggerating way, faking it as if you both shared the same sadness.

 He looks at you, wiping his tears, "Why..Why are you crying?" He asks, as a tear rolls down his rosy cheeks. You don't respond and just look at him for a moment. smiling, this time aware and glad to do so. He begins to laugh, then you do. Soon enough you're both laughing your little faces off. His tears now one of joy. You're both not sure why you're laughing, but its just something about you two that pull each other in... even if the other doesn't want to be. 


His eyes emotionless as he walks down the porch of his childhood home. 

He looks at you, your parents assisting his as they load boxes into a truck. You run up to him and squeeze him tightly. 

"Why must you leave! Why must you leave me..." You say your voice breaking at every other word, as he stands emotionless, just comforting you.

"I must. My father has now gotten a position at a place of high payment. You know we're in unfortunate circumstances with money lately.." He says, his tone more soft, yet deeper.

You're 10 now, so was he. He's now a bit taller than you. 

You look at him, "Why aren't you crying? Will you not miss me? Is this some sort of silent celebration?" You say pushing away from him, as he looks to say something, then holds back, then looks at you.

"Men don't cry. If my father doesn't, I don't either." 

"But you aren't your fa-" You're cut off by the sounds of the car horn. You look at him with big eyes, pleading just to stay one last day. He walks past you, and turns back, now facing you.

"Until we meet again... Y/n" he says, his tone stern. Your tears not holding in any longer as you've now began to go ballistic on tears. Your face mountains, the tears waterfalls, enough to cry a river, too widefor any bridge to build over it.

(Authors Note)

First Story! I sure do hope you've enjoyed it. I'll be working on the next chapter sometime soon...Put predictions in the comments on what might occur next. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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