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Apollo woke quite suddenly to his friend leaning over him. "Oops, sorry I was just checking if you were still asleep", he apologised. Apollo sighed and shoved him off, annoyed, while sitting up. He brushed his hand over his glasses by his side and placed the cold metal frame over his face. The mattress was thin and obviously it was uncomfortable to sleep on, but he'd experienced worse. Steve watched him from his spot on the floor, leaning back on his hand, he still hadn't moved from where he landed from Apollo's push. "Sorry" Apollo almost whispered. Steve smiled and tilted his head an inch.

"So, where are we going?" Steve asked skeptically. The two were climbing down the scaffolding together. They just sorta chucked on some spare clothes from their bags and decided to go somewhere. Apollo was taking the lead and didn't say a word to his friend, even as he persisted with his questions. Of course, Steve didn't mind, he knew Apollo wasn't the talking type, even if they'd been friends for many years. The two reached the ground floor of their hideout, Apollo still hadn't said A single word to Steve. They split off to scout the many exitways for the clearest exit.

"Over here" Steve said almost quietly, the bottom floor was so empty that his voice echoed all the way to the other end of the building, they found this place out when the two first came here, they were skateboarding, as soon as they put their boards down to skate around the level floor, the sound of the drop alarmed the two greatly. Apollo emerged from two concrete podiums and walked towards Steve. Steve had his thumb pointing to a downwards slope with an open garage door, most likely for working trucks. Apollo tiptoed down the slope then casually strided out into the blazing sun, Steve trailing right behind him.

The two made it into the street, it was just the end of the morning rush hour so it wasn't too busy. The friends walked next to eachother, Steve's hands in his jacket pockets. It was early October, so the cool fall breeze would ruffle their hair. Steve shivered slightly without even noticing, while Apollo (who was used to the cold, but still hated it) gathered himself to use his own body heat.

Apollo was striding down the street with Steve by his side, heading only a few blocks down until the reached a Starbucks. Of course Apollo wanted Starbucks, he just does every day. Steve signaled to go ahead and find them a seat, he then walked into the shop, a warm breeze was airing the room. He walked up to the nice looking woman at the front who put on a smile as he ordered their two drinks.

Apollo had picked a spot outside where there was only one free table partially in the sunlight. He sat in the sun and sighed happily, it's glare was directly in his eyes, but the new warmth that washed over him was worth it.

Steve sat across from his friend, only his knee reached the warm glow of the sun, the rest of his body enveloped in the shade of the tall skyscrapers of the city. He had two drinks in his hands, so he placed the one in his left hand in front of Apollo, and placed his on the table in front of himself . He smiled in gratitude and took a long sip. Something about the way Apollo was washed in the bright light of the sun had him almost mesmerized, his pale skin to the wonderful features of his face, just seemed so intriguing to Steve.

He snapped out of his thoughts when Apollo spoke, "Are you okay, Steve?", Steve glanced down at his drink then looked back to meet Apollo's gaze. "Uhh.. yeah? Of course", Steve took a sip from his cold iced coffee, glancing at Apollo a few times for just milliseconds at a time.

The two leave the establishment together, walking down the busy streets, "Hey, can we go to that new bookstore across the street? Please?" Apollo pleaded. Although Steve wasn't as much of a bookworm as Apollo, he could never say no to his own best friend, so he nodded and let him lead him through the crowd.

They found themselves in front of a petite little bookstore, potted plants littered in front of the windows and hung from the low-ish roof. They stepped inside, a little bell rung from the top of the door. Apollo went straight into the bookshelves, looking for a new book to start, he saw a lot of books he had already read, and some books he'd never seen before in his life. He took his time, scanning the books that looked somewhat interesting.

Steve waited near the front, looking at the bestselling books of the week, his fingers trailing the wooden shelf, finding no dust left on his finger. Suddenly, Apollo popped up behind him, a cloth bag twisted around his wrist while he held it. Steve gestured at the door and the two left, again back to walking on the street.

Steve suddenly stopped halfway back to their hideout, grabbing Apollo's arm to stop him from moving further. "Let's go in here," Steve said, pointing to the Ez Mart, "l need more gum, plus, i sorta ate all the chips from our stash" Apollo nodded, and they both walked in the eye blistering, colorful shop.

They were bickering about which packet of chips they should get. "Just get the salty ones! Everyone likes them!", "but I feel like honey soy chicken! Doesn't everyone like honey soy chicken too?". There was a loud bang at the front of the store, and they heard people scrambling and yelling. Apollo instantly knew what was happening and pulled Steve down harshly. "What's going on?" Steve asked, cluelessly. They peered around the bright shelf at the counter. "Give us everything you have!" A loud voice echoed through the store. The two froze, petrified. Steve has never experienced being mugged or anything like this. He didn't even realize his breathing was loud and out of control until Apollo put a finger on his lips with a desperate yet comforting smile. Maybe if they stay put and stay quiet, he won't find us.

They were wrong, there was another guy, tying up everyone in the store. Apollo's breath hitched when the person turned the corner and started straight for them, gun in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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