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"Jeonghan?!" I looked up to him in surprise

"What? Move if you dont want me to step on your stupid stuffs" he says in cold tone which i fasten picking up my books and stuff and move quickly to his way

"S-sorry" i said whispering a bit to him but still enough to hear it, and he glanced at me before continuing to walk

I fixed my glasses and i still can feel my hands are shaking from what just happened, i continued to walk to my locker to place my unnecessary things, after a few seconds i've reached my locker and i put all my stuff there except for things i need, especially my sketchbook and my small camera

I walked back to my classroom, and as usual everytime i enter things are just normal, nobody greets me, and for the second time in a row, a lot of people gathering jeonghan at his seat beside me

I pick up my camera and trues to take a photo at the view of the autumn leaves starting to fall down on the path and roads,

"beautiful" i mumbled at nyself, i smiled to the pcitures i took, not knowing someone is watching me

The teacher entered the classroom and, all the students that were beside jeonghan left and goes back to their seat

I turned my head focusing at the professor and we started our discussion right away

After 2 hours later we're finally dismissed and i goes to the cafeteria, and i noticed chan was seating with his friends so i decide not to disturb them and looked for empty tables but to my luckness, i didn't found any empty space so, i instead go to the rooftop so i can eat my lunch there but as soon as i reached it, i saw two people making out, making me backs off and just return to my classroom and eat my lunch there

'im so unlucky... I hope i have friends..' i said to my mind lowering my head while going back to the classroom

As i reached my classroom, i seat down to my usual spot and eat my lunch there being quiet, even though it's kinda noisy

When i was about to take an another bite of my lunch, i felt someone shakes my chair, making me spill all the food i have on my bento,

"PFFT OOPS SORRY NOT SORRY NERD" students laughed at me, as my bully just walked out, and to mt surprise jeonghan entered the classroom and saw what happened, but i knew he won't care, who's even am i to let him help with me for a like a nerd and useless

I fixed my glasses and i was trying not to cry, i pick up all the food that it spilled and i put them back on my lunchbox and decide to just throw it away later, after today's class

"Clean this up too, you dirtied my desk too" i turned around and see jeonghan pointing at the mess i made
I quickly apologize

"im sorry it wont happen again" i bowed and starts cleaning it up

"your sorry won't help, if you stop acting dumb everytime ugh"

I lowered my head and starts to say sorry again and sat on my chair, cleaaning may lunch and putting it back to my bag and leaves me still hungry, i just doodled on my sketchbook as i wait for the lunchtime to end

As how much im hungry, im ignoring it how my stomach is rumbling

The bell finally rings and we started our discussion for our Astronomy class, for the entire class, all i did was taking notes of our discussion, until the bell rings means, its time to go home

'it's weirds how chan didn't even greeted me the whole time, is he starting to remove me to his life too? I hope not... I can't lose my only friend... I dont want that to happen again..." i was zoning out thinking a lot of things as i felt a touch on my shoulder, i looked beside me and saw it's jeonghan

"You okay? you're zoning out"

"a-ah im fine i'll go now" i quickly packed my stuff and exited to the classroom, i reached my locker and put all the stuff there and pick up the notebooks i need

"hey joshua!" i turned who called me and it was my homeroom teacher

"The principal is calling you to the ofdice have something important to tell you"

"oh ok prof, do you know the reason why they called me for?" i asked and she said

"sadly not, but it hope its good" she said and smiled at me before walking to back to his faculty while i walk to the principal's office, i knocked on the door for the permission and i entered greeted by the school's principal sitting behind her desk

"Hello Joshua Hong"

"Greetings, ma'am, what do you need me for?" i asked

"Sit down first and i will tell you" so i sat down on the chairs facing at her

"So Hong Joshua from class 1 - 4, a major in arts and fine arts and photography, also a member of the photography club. Aren't im right?" i nodded and she continues to speak

"So joshua, there's a problem to your academics, it says here that you've been not paying your tuition fee for almost 2 years since your 2nd year at here, don't you know if you don't pay your tuition you cannot take exams and will be dropped out to the university. And let me tell you.. your current balance, is it's over 1.5 million won already and when are you planning to pay it?" i was starting sweat since it's over 2 years since the last time i paid for my tuition fee and i was still living with my mother back then, but suddenly left me alone to survive and takes all the responsibles to the apartment's bill and my tuition fees and i felt guilty how my teachers were kind enough and let me still take exams, i was shaking but still enough to answer her


To be continue...

A/N: sorry for slow updates 😅😅

January 27,2023

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