Merida and Maleficent

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Merida- "Hello. Nice horns Mal-ef-i-cent. Weird name. What does it mean?"

Maleficent- " Merida, I'm the one asking questions. But since I'm happy to answer that, I'll do it. It's a mixture of malicious and magnificent. Perfect for me, right? Right?"

Merida- "Uhh... most definitely."

Maleficent- "Okay, let's see. I've never interviewed someone before. Whatever, question #1: what sports do you like besides archery?"

Merida- "Oh, I love horseback riding, fencing, and also track."

Maleficent- "Last question, do you ever see that old witch again?"

Merida- "Why yes. She is now a pastry chef at our Scottish castle. And the wisps are not gone either, the other day they led me to this cool horse store. It was wonderland."

Maleficent- "I've gotta go bye!

Merida- "Wait! You left your horn polisher!"

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