The Mall

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Y/n's pov


"Hey kid! Ready to go shopping?" He greets me as his suit unwraps away from him.

"Mhm.." I answer still amazed.
"Yeah yeah, you can check out the garage later, you've got all the time in the world to work on your own stuff down here"

We leave and I cant help but smile

He takes me to get some tailored suits and some ordinary clothes. I get some black and blue jeans, sweatpants, t-shirts, shirts, hoodies, some sneakers, nice shoes, underwear and some sports wear.

He wears a baseball hat to not bring to much attention to himself. As we walk towards some shops he points and asks "hey, do you need to pick up some more of your ADHD medication?"
I'm shocked that he asks but when I think about it, I do need to.

We finish getting my meds and some snacks and drinks. He's wearing his glasses and tells FRIDAY to add the things I buy to my personal shopping list.

I step out of the car and starts picking up the shopping bags. "No no, just leave it, it will be taken care of. Don't worry. Come on, let me show you your workspace in the garage"

I nod and excitedly follow him.
He proceeds to show me my hologram computer, my mini fridge and some scraps that could be useful.
"Is this connected to yours or can I modify it without ruining anything for you?" I ask him about the computer.
He smirks proudly "well, you can modify it without causing any issues program is pretty solid" he ends almost offended.

I smirk back at him and sit down in the chair. "I'll leave you to it" he says and leaves. I pull up everything on the hologram computer. I read every plueprint, every document and everything on it about his suits and other inventions. I notice an issue with his so called "heart" invention and make a note in my mind to look into it more.

I glans over to the watch and notice it's almost 9pm. I've been sitting still for quite some hours, hyperfocusing on the computer and decide to head to the gym. My therapist has been making me work out 3-4 times a week and I kind of hate her because it's helping my mental health, helping me build confidence and the masculine body I wish to have.

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