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            Here I am laying under a bed like a toy that was dropped and left to be forgotten. I'm not goanna be that lucky, I flinch as I hear a scream and then a thud. If someone came through that door, they would be able to see me, in a hurry I cling my arms through the bars of the frame and then I twist my feet between them. Then pull myself up hoping I cannot be seen from any angel. I don't get paid enough for this.

A sound comes from right outside of the door, it sounds like nails to a chalk board but worse.
        My heart is beating so loud, BAM!!!! The door crashes down, I see big muddy boots walk through the opening, "come on Veronica, I just want to talk." I hold my breath hoping it stops my shaking. It does not of course, my muscles start to lose strength.

        "Thud," he drops down to his knees and I can feel his eyes looking beneath me, I know he knows that I am here. He is just waiting for me to give in. He gets up off the ground stands up. I can hear his boots thumping against the floor every step he takes. I calmed my breathing, but it was pointless. "Oh, come on dear I just want to have a chat, I promise that's all." I do not answer, he storms off throwing a tantrum, so I thought.

        Suddenly the bed lifts, and my arms give out and I hit the floor. The tall dreary figure standing over me, reddish mud drips of him... Blood and mud, ewe. I am not going to make it. I cannot move or say anything. "Let's go, now!" He raises his voice at me. He leans down and grabs my arm, breathing very heavily. He yanks me up, "okay, let go of me!" I say, he is as surprised as I am. I look him up and down, he has me in one hand and a machete in the other.

"Listen Veronica, it is not what it looks like, I swear..." He goes to talk with his hands, so he is waving around this giant blade. I look at him big eyed, "would you stop waving that around." I let out a sigh, "If you are going to kill me get it over with, really..."

        He lets out a big laugh, "I am not here to kill you I'm here to save you, it is my job after all. I thought you were one of the best out there; I was just fooling with you. That what you get for going offline."

I look at him confused but needing to know more. "What?" I look at him blankly. "Follow me Veronica," he lets go of me and drops the blade. I follow, it's dumb of me to but oh well. I walk through the bloody halls and down the staircase, to the sunroom out to the garden. Which is my favorite part of this place.

I walk over to the lilies and pick up a broken one and fiddle with it between my hands, while I sit at the table. The tall man stands in front of me with a serious expression even his whole-body language is serious. "Listen Veronic, the FBI put me on this case after you went rogue. This place is where they bring people, they want to eliminate, which boss was trying to tell you but..."

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