Chapter 2 ~ The Hangover

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You woke up hearing a knock on the door you look around and realize the boys had left and you were covered with a blanket. You walked over to the door and opened it revealing Fez with a bloody nose and a bruise under his left eye '' fez omg you good?'' ''yeah I just need some ice il be fine where's ash and your friend?''  you let him come in walking towards the kitchen to put some ice in a towel and press it softly against his bruise '' I don't know were they are I just woke up , I can call Jace tho''. Fez took the ice from your hand and you took your phone out of your pocket and started calling Jace (When Jace talks it will be the black shade when you talk its they grey <3)

Jace picked up after about a minute '' hey, all good?'' '' Jace where are you guys?'' '' Ash is dropping me home cause Maddy called and I really have to go ,sorry for not telling you bye''  '' nah its good what time will he be back?'' you heard some talking and then Jace replied ''in about 10 mins I think'' you look over to Fez who had heard the conversation and then told your goodbyes with Jace and hung up...

You and Fez had ended up talking about random stuff while passing a blunt between each other(you got high pretty fast since it was the strong weed ) '' Fez '' ''yeah?'' ''how did the first people to make a clock now what time it was?'' Fez turned his head towards you his eyes starting to look red in the corners '' shit.. I don't know'' he looked puzzled and so did you and then you heard a door close behind you. '' I'm back'' Fez got up from the couch and walked over to Ash and started talking to him about the meeting he had before while you were still smoking the blunt, after some time you heard steps behind you ''Yo y/n, Ash gon drive you home u good with that'' you looked behind you and nodded.

You got up picking up your school bag and your phone walking towards the door. You heard Fez tell something to Ash and saw Ash nod his head '' common lets go'' he said opening the door for you too pass through. ''BYE FEZZZ'' you screamed hearing the door close behind you. Ash saw how you were walking about to fall '' yo, hold on to me'' he put one of your hands over his shoulder sliding his other hand on our waist trying to keep you from falling...

You finally get to the parked Black Chevrolet Camaro and get in the bag seat while Ash gets in the drivers seat. H e started driving while the radio was playing ''The Hills'' by The Weeknd. You started singing the song to yourself and then your favorite part came up that  you half yelled half sang (idk if I wrote that right sorry) ''HILLS THAT HAVE EYES, THE HILLS THAT HAVE EYES, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE? WHO ARE YOUUU TO JUDGEE? HIDE YOUR LIES ,GIRL, HIDE YOUR LIESS, ONLY YOU TO TRUSTT, ONLY YOUUUU'' you saw Ash watch you through the mirror but once  he noticed you looking he immediately looked away..

You eventually fell asleep in the ride and then felt a small nudge on your shoulder and saw Ashtray pick you up bridal style and bring you to our houses porch ''you got the keys?'' he asked  ''mhm, my pocket'' you reached your hand in your pocket and handed him the keys while snuggling into his neck. Ash opened the door and walked into the living room placing you gently on the couch and covering you with a blanket he found nearby, you try and keep him from walking away by holding his hand but he obviously was able to walk away (you were still high soo),you saw Ash walk towards the kitchen and look through your fridge and started taking out some carrots, Ginger, and Apple Juice.

You woke up looking at your phone 3:00 am you suddenly felt a sting and throbbing in your head and walked towards the kitchen were you found a glass with a note saying : drink this when you wake up - Ash. 

You drank the whole glass, making a face because of the after taste. You picked up your phone and texted Fez..


Can u tell ash thnx for the drink


nah u can tell him

805 522-5090

You added Ashes number to your phone and texted him..


Ty for the drink it rl helped



you remember anything from before?


no did smth happen?



You ignored the texts and dragged yourself upstairs to change into your pjs

You ignored the texts and dragged yourself upstairs to change into your pjs

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(this ur pj if u dont like it u can imagine smth elsee <333)

You tied your hair into a messy bun and laid down on your bed trying to remember if anything happened while you were with Ash and then you could find out if something actually happened  but you didn't remember anything. You fell asleep only to be woken up later on by some voices from downstairs. You quickly got out of bed making your headache worse and walking over to your nightstand looking for a knife or anything you could defend yourself with , But with no luck so you ended up taking your old hair curler and started slowly walking downstairs each step you could hear the voices clearer "you sure she here?" ''this is the house we jus need to find her ''you started walking upstairs again locking yourself in the bathroom                                                (in your thoughts)

What the fuck are these guys doing here and why are they looking for me? You walked over to the sink and took you phone out and without thinking you opened Ashtray's contact


Ash there these guys in my house and                                                                           I think their looking for me can u pls come

You were impatiently looking at your phone waiting for a message to pop up at any second but it didn't instead you just saw a seen notification and then you felt tears slowly run down your cheeks why the fuck was this happening now and to you... 


Ty for reading idk how to feel ab this chapter but yeah imma try and make the next part better<333 (also its like ab rushed but like its my first time writing so its k)

(words 1101)

favorite drug~ ashtray x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now