backstory (1)

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 in a world where having powers is normal                                                                                                                                                                                                              izuku midoriya was born into a loving family who cared for his well being. his loving family only being him and his mother because his father left before he was even born  izuku was a happy child who loved heros and the idea of being one was stuck inside his head like most children his age  he was turning four soon and when no signs of his quirk his mother took him to a doctor " the                                                                                                                                                                                                 midoriya's? " izuku watched as his mother got up and followed her when they went inside that room and sat the doctor did same tests and said      " i'm so sorry but your son is quirkless " izuku looked up at the doctor he didn't know what that meant until he thought about it " does that mean i cant be a hero mommy? " he looked at his mother and she was crying " i'm sorry izuku... " it felt like his heart shattered into a million pieces little tiny glass shards you cant                                                                                                                                                                                                           even see. when they went home nothing changed until the next day when he went over to his best friends house " kacchan " he ran to the boys room " kacchan whats your quirk? " izuku asked the boy " come see! " kacchan said   kacchan was a nickname made by izuku 'kacchans' name was Katsuki bakugou he started little sparks in his palm " look izuku!" izuku stared in awe " its so cool!" the sparks stopped as Kacchan looked at izuku " well whats your quirk? " izuku looked at the ground he wanted to avoid this question

" i don't have one i'm quirkless...."  Kacchan looked upset " what do you mean! we have to be heros! " izuku held his fists tightly he wasnt going to hurt his friend but he wanted this talk to be over " well i can't be one! i want to, i really do! but i can't.... " izuku started to cry " boys what's going on in there? " Mitsuki Bakugou Kacchans mother said to us  i ran out to my mom and we went home after that kacchan and his friend picked on me he told everyone they all knew they were judging us and my Mom lost a few jobs because of me but she never blamed me not once she was all i had 

and all i needed friendship only lasts for so long family stays forever til the end and as i got older those little insults turned into death threats and the little pushes and shoves turned into punches and kicks it hurt a lot both the punches and the insults different hurt though but it went to far when they told me to kill myself it wasn't just anyone too it was kacchan i thought about it while walking home. i was too deep in thought to notice something sneaking up on me and it got me it was made out of slime i tried to claw my way out it had its slime around my mouth 

i couldn't breathe I needed air help me i couldn't scream 

then something happened i felt a slap on my cheek  it was a light one as i slowly woke up and saw ALL MIGHT? " ALL MIGHT?   OH MY GOSH PLEASE SIGN MY NOTE BOOK " i quickly looked for my notebook grab it and opened a new page to see HE ALREADY DID " aren't you a fanboy  well since your safe now i must get going! goodbye young man " i watch as he was getting ready to leave and grabbed onto his legs  " what are you doing get off! " i panic looking at the city below                                                                                                                                                                                                             " IF I LET GO I'LL DIE! " i look up at all might " oh yeah " he drops us at a building  " i better get going "  POOF  i look at him " huh? where did all might go? "  the man sighed  " i am all might" i looked at him confused " No your not him you can't be.  your an imposter! "  you know when those guys at the beach puff out their chest to look buff that's basically what i'm doing" i look up at him and ask  " all might can someone be a hero without a quirk? " i stand there waiting for the answer " no they should stick to something easier like being a police officer or doctor "  he left me on the roof when i went to go back down the door was locked i banged on the door for a while until they unlocked it for me and i made it down i heard some yelling  and when i turned the corner i saw the slime villain 

and in the slime i saw kacchan? i panicked and looked around and saw none of the hero's helping and in the crowd i saw all might watching his friend suffocate he didn't know how long he was in there for but any longer and kacchan could get brain damage or worse death. he watched him struggle against the huge pile of slime without thinking about for any longer he ran in  he took off his backpack and launched it at the slime  and ran up the slime dodging the fire in his way it felt nice the running i wanted to do this for forever!  i pretended that i was hero for a hot second i heard the hero's yelling at   me he could deal with that later  i needed to help kacchan or at least try to he grabbed fists full of slime clawing at his friends mouth kacchan staring at  him " MHHMFF "  he spoke or tried to it was muffed and he can't make anything out izuku grabbed more slime and ripped it out of  bakugou's mouth as the boy gasped for air  he felt a breeze he turned to see all might jumping into action he moved out of the way and used this time to leave without the hero's telling him off  he grabbed his backpack before he left and walked back home " DEKU! " he turned and saw kacchan walking up to him " YOU BETTER NOT THINK YOU SAVED ME IT WAS ALL MIGHT NOT YOU! " i looked down " yeah. i know " he watched bakugou leave and  turned around to start walking home again and he sees all might again             "i was wrong about you the way you jumped into action to save your friend.." i just watched as he continued speaking " while i sat back and watched that's the way of a true hero " i was excited i had a feeling i knew what he was going to say " you can be a hero. " i broke down crying 

 ( 1162 words not including this part )

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