~*Chapter 1*~

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[3rd Person POV, a hospital in Central]

The Colonel sat on the edge of his bed, slowly pulling himself to his feet. He was tired of the hospital, and had more important things to attend to. First, there was returning the Ishbalans back to their home of Ishbal, which may be hard.

He and the lieutenant had been stuck in the hospital for days, his sight had been returned by Marcoh just a day before, and Roy had never been so happy. He had felt like he was stuck in a dark pit, unable to see anything. Completely and utterly useless. The lieutenant had been the one to help him in his time of blindness.

She didn't hold him back from the fight. Instead, she helped him to be able to fight, instead of keeping him on the sidelines. He was grateful for that.

Riza watched the Colonel, his hands were mostly healed from being stabbed, but she herself would need more time to heal. She turned her head to face Mustang, wincing slightly at the pain.

"Are you sure you're ready to leave the hospital, sir?" she asked him.

"Yes. I'm positive. Are you feeling well, Lieutenant?" he asked, looking towards her.

He examined her face closely, not able to imagine if he had permanently lost his sight, not being able to see her face again. Her soft blonde hair, usually pulled up in a bun type hairdo, her determined Hazel eyes that analyzed everything closely, to the faint spray of freckles across her cheeks. Her voice snapped Roy out of his thoughts.

"Yes sir, I'm fine," she informed Roy, who nodded.

"Alright then. Ready to leave?" Roy steadied himself, now standing upright, leaving against the bed post.

"Of course, sir," Riza confirmed, sitting up in her bed and unsteadily rising to her feet.

The rooms door opened and Falman stepped in, surprised to see the colonel and lieutenant standing and out of their beds.

"Colonel! Lieutenant! You're not supposed to be out of bed yet!" he exclaimed.

"It's fine, Falman. We've had plenty of rest. It's time to get to work," Mustang told his subordinate.

Falman hesitated before replying, "Yes, sir..."

"Now then, where are our uniforms?" Roy asked.

"I'll go get them, sir. Be right back!" Falman left the room.

"Are you ready, Hawkeye?" Roy asked her as he turned to look at her.

"Ready for what?" she asked.

"To change the world."

~*One Year Later*~

The work in Ishbal was finished, a time of peace had begun for the Ishbalans and Amestrians.

Roy had been sent back to central, Riza by his side. Grumman had been Fuhrer, and was close to retirement, preparing to hand the thrown over to Mustang.

But for now, he stared down his deadly opponent, the clock was ticking, time was running out. His jaw clenched in determination. He wouldn't lose this battle. He would live to see another day. With a new found fire, Mustang picked up a pen and signed away at the paperwork on his desk.

Riza sorted through papers on her own desk silently, moving quickly as she did so. In the past year, she had almost never left the Colonel's side. She was always beside him, no matter what. She began feeling something...strange after the defeat of Father, and when Roy had been blind. These strange butterflies that erupted in her stomach whenever he smiled or laughed, that electric shock whenever his hand would brush against her own.

Riza had never felt this way before. It was completely new to her. She glanced over at Roy, he signed away at papers vigorously. Riza smiled softly at him, though knowing he didn't see, then looked back at her own pile of work which she had taken off of his desk once she had gotten there early this morning.


Riza grinned at her desk, clean of any work for she had finished it all. She looked over at Roy; he was still going through page after page, his pile still decently large.

Riza glanced at the clock, seeing how late it truly was. She stood, the sound of her chair legs scraping against the the wooden floor alerting the Colonel, who looked at her.

"It's late, I think I'm going to head home now, sir," she told him, heading over to the coat rack.

"Ah, yes. Good night, Lieutenant." Roy nodded slightly.

"Thank you, sir. Good night," she slipped on her coat and went outside. Hayate had remained home today so it was just her.

She walked along the dimly lot streets, trying to sort out the maze of feelings she had swarming inside her.


Mustang sat at his desk, staring at the Lieutenant's empty one. It felt strange without her presence.

He had always been comfortable around Riza, she had this strange calming effect on him. He adored every feature about her, from her toes to the top of her head.
He sighed and restarted his paperwork, wondering why she distracted him so easily.

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