~* Chapter 3*~

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[The Next Morning, 3rd Person P.O.V., Riza Hawkeye's Apartment]

Riza was already dressed and ready for the day, brushing her hair down and grabbing her bag from the small counter. Her apartment was small; a bed, table, chair, small bathroom, and kitchen area was all that there was. The money earned from the military was just enough for her to scrape by.

She grabbed Black Hayate's leash and whistled for him, to which he immediately responded, bounding happily up to his master. She bent down and clipped the leash to his collar, opened the door, closed it, then left.

As she exited the apartment building and into the early morning light, she let out a breath, happy to have one day off, at least. She knew she was cutting it close, she did have some work to be done today, but instead decided to set it aside and go in tomorrow. Today, she needed to restock the practically empty fridge.

"Come on, Hayate," Hawkeye said as she started down the street, feeling complete comfort as she could feel her pistol brush against her side under her thin jacket.

After the days of Ishbal, and becoming a soldier, she seldom traveled without it. Feeling helpless if she did so. She walked along the streets, a few people milling about here and there.

A figure caught her eye, a tall person, standing in an alleyway across the street, a large hat shading his eyes. Riza pretended she didn't notice and kept walking, putting her alert up.


Riza held a grocery bag in one arm and Hayate's leash in the other. He suddenly pulled ahead, yanking the leash and barking.

"Hayate!" she called after the dog.

She was so focused, she ran straight into another person, whom her pet had been running to. As soon as she collided, she withdrew, stumbling slightly but keeping her balance all the same. She looked up to apologize, then saw it was the Colonel.

"Colonel! I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," she apologized quickly to her superior.

"It's fine," Roy smiled, happy to have seen his subordinate today. "And since we're not on military ground, call me Roy."

Riza considered for a second. "Alright then si-..Roy. You can call me Riza."

Roy nodded. " Enjoying your day off, Miss Hawkeye?"

"I am." She returned his smile. Roy felt gentle butterflies erupt in his stomach. "Though I was just getting home, so I'll see you at work."

Roy's butterflies died just as quickly as they'd appeared. "Can I walk you back? I don't have anything else to do, anyways."

"Why not?" she concluded.

So side by side, Roy and Riza took the short walk back to her apartment, Mustang deep in thought the whole time. Upon reaching their destination, they turned to face each other. 

"Thank you...for walking me back," Hawkeye said. Roy smiled. 

"It was no problem. I should do this more often," he laughed. Riza shook her head, a light smile playing along her lips. 

"We'll see," she joked. Once again, a rare appearance. Roy rook a step closer. 

His head tilted at a slight angle, so as to see her better, though not much taller. He could just barely feel her breath on his face, only barely faster than usual. Riza blinked, then cleared her throat. 

"I should get go-" She was cut off by the sudden warmth of his lips against her own. Soft and gentle. It took her mind a moment to register it all, but she pressed back against his without thinking of what she was doing, before he pulled away. 

She was silent, as was he. Still in the close proximity of each other. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said, breaking the heavy silence. Then Roy turned and headed off, Riza was still silent, Black Hayate wagging his tail, tongue lolled out of his mouth as his head tilted to the side. 

Hawkeye turned, face slowly blushing as she entered her apartment. She put a hand over her mouth to hide her smile, scolding herself for acting this way. 


The stranger watched as Colonel Mustang left the apartment. The Lieutenant went inside with her pet. 

"So there's the pressure point," he mumbled to himself, a grin across his face. He stepped up to the apartment building and opened the door, his single automail arm hidden underneath his long jacket.

Step one to taking down the military was beginning...



Hello everyone! It's Jinxxx here...just thought I'd stop by and thank you all for the support and love you've shown for this story! I'm so terribly sorry that it took me forever to update. Had some issues going on, but now I'm back at it! Thank you all again for giving me the motivation to continue on with this fan fiction, and I appreciate everything you guys do for me! Enjoy this newly-updated chapter as your New Year's Present from me!

Stay Beautiful!


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