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Ron stayed all night watching the young God's condition. The next day he was better, the fever had subsided but he wasn't in the best condition.

“You’re going to go like that?”

They were standing in front of the inn. Cale was standing there with his arms crossed and looking at Choi Han. Choi Han had a small bag and his sword with him.


There was no special feast or farewell party for the leaving Choi Han. Neither Cale nor Choi Han wanted something like that.

That was why this farewell was pretty small as well.

Cale, the kittens, Hans, Ron, Beacrox, and the Vice Captain. That was it. The fact that the Vice Captain was there was a bit odd, but he was standing there with a frown like Cale as he said his goodbye.


Cale sighed before taking a small bag out of his pocket and throwing it toward Choi Han. Choi Han easily caught the bag. Choi Han recognized the bag. It was the same size as the bag that Cale had given to the Black Dragon. Choi Han opened the bag to find potions and other types of useful items inside. Choi Han lifted his head from the bag and looked toward Cale. Cale just bluntly spoke when they made eye contact.

ter one more time. They will meet again once at the capital, before he sends Choi Han off with Ron and Beacrox, along with a few orders. After that, he planned on having no contact with Choi Han at all.

“I will be back soon.”

Choi Han’s response, that seemed to contain a bit of joy, gave Cale the chills, but he did not look back. Choi Han felt that it was very much like Cale not to look back. His gaze then turned toward the rest of the group.

“See you at the capital!”
“Ahem. I will be training myself so that I will be the young master’s personal guard when we are at the capital.”

Deputy butler Hans cheerfully said goodbye, while the Vice Captain responded in a very annoyed voice.

“I will keep my blade sharpened.”

“See you later.”

Beacrox and Ron said goodbye as well. Of course, the kittens patted Choi Han’s leg with their paws to say goodbye.
Finally, the Black Dragon, that had been using invisibility magic to stay in the yard during the day and lay by Cale’s window at night, sent some invisible mana to Choi Han.

“I’ve already received so much, but I seem to keep being on the receiving end.”

Choi Han put the magic bag in his pocket before starting to smile. Cale could not see it because his back was turned, but this was the first time the rest of them saw Choi Han with such a bright smile.

“I will see you all at the capital.”

Choi Han respectfully said goodbye before heading out of the inn. Someone like him, who had spent tens of years in solitude that felt even worse than death, now had somewhere to return to. He also had people he needed to pay back for their grace.

‘I need to make sure to properly complete this task.’

Choi Han walked away from Cale and the rest, and headed out of Puzzle City.

The next morning, Cale’s group got on the carriage and prepared to leave Puzzle City as well.
The redhead was much better than the day before.

“Young master, we are ready to go.”


Cale nodded his head at Ron’s words, and Ron quickly closed the window and got the carriage to start moving. They were starting back on their journey.

“What are you looking at?”

Cale was staring at the kitten siblings, who were fidgeting while trying to avoid his gaze. The kittens flinched and turned their eyes away. Cale started to smile.

“What? Did you meet a dragon or something?”

Gasp. Cale heard the kittens gasp, but just ignored it. Choi Han may have left, but now a dragon was following them. However, he did not have time to worry about that fact.

After a day’s worth of travel, they were now getting ready to make camp.

“Excuse me, if it is okay, may we share a part of your campsite?”

A carriage arrived by Cale’s campsite area, and the person that seemed to be the driver got off and approached the Vice Captain.

“May I ask who you are?”

The Vice Captain asked, even though he already knew the answer after seeing the red snake on the driver’s armor. The driver bowed to the Vice Captain and Cale behind him and introduced himself.

“My name is Tom, and I am a part of Marquis Stan’s estate.”


Cale almost said that out loud, as he looked at the shabby looking carriage without a crest. The window opened and Cale could see the face of Taylor Stan.

“My name is Taylor Stan. I saw Count Henituse’s crest, and am asking for help, even though I’m sure it is not ideal.”

If it is the strong Count Henituse’s campsite, Taylor thought he would be safe for the night. It was not so good in Cale’s eyes.

Cale had now met Marquis Stan’s eldest son Taylor and the crazy priestess Cage. He thought about the dragon that would be hunting a boar or deer for him right now and started to frown.

‘Damn it.’

One left and three showed up.

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