The Jeweled Girls

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One day 11 year old Julia went outside the castle which was always forbidden, her soft hair bounced as she ran into the forest. Julia whispered to herself, “See just a bunch of trees, no creepy purple eyes…” Just as the young girl turned around she saw the same pair of eyes from her nightmare and even worse what was behind those eyes the elderly bitter woman, who her father always called a witch. Julia breathed deep closing her eyes hoping the witch wouldn’t be there. She opened her eyes only to receive a returning glare from the witch was still there. The lady smiled bending down and whispered in Julia’s ear, “Give me your castle and I’ll give you your greatest wish.” Julia giggled at the witch’s offer and replied,” Why give you my castle when, I already have my wish….these jewels.” Julia pulls a diamond bracelet, a ruby necklace, and an aquamarine anklet. The witch’s eyes glowed with frustration, the witch strangely calm said,” I’ll make those magical.” Julia toggled over the thought, what harm can the witch do by having the castle. This was not a fair trade at all for the jewels held their own magic. Julia unknowingly agreed to the deal. The witch smiled and hackled,” See you in 16 years darling.” Julia managed her way back to the castle staring at the jewels; she placed them in the jewelry box and closing her falling asleep on her plush bed. Julia awoke from her slumber, and peered over at her young twin sisters Amelia and Jennifer. They played and giggled, Amelia being the first to notice Julia being awake. She ran into the room and jumped on her older sister’s bed. Jennifer ran after her twin, but glancing at Julia’s jewelry box. Julia followed her sister’s glazed and yelled no, but it was too late. Jennifer had already put on the diamond bracelet and Amelia the ruby necklace. Julia was distracted of how perfect the gems look on them.  Julia sighed,” Well I guess you can have them.” “Really”, Amelia exclaimed. Jennifer’s eyes sparkled with joy for Julia never shared her things with them before. She pranced over to the box and giggled, “Julia, this anklet will look beautiful on you.” Jennie carefully put the anklet on Julia’s ankle. The aqua jewels glimmered. The sisters sat in a circle and admire how the jewels looked on each other. Julia looked up at the ladies in the painting having a wonderful tea party wearing the exact same jewels, the reason why she wanted them in the first place. The chandelier let down a glittering glow, the girls twisted and turning with panic, and Julia screamed for she was no longer staring at the painting she was in the picture with her sister . She grabbed their hands and took charged Julia’s voice crackled as she talked. “There must be a way out.” Julia felt like someone was watching her. She turned around only to see tiny fairies glittering and giggling. Amelia let go of her sister’s hand and followed the tiny woodland creature to what looked like the garden in the painting but only more beautiful. The 3 ladies turned looking at them. The one with dirty blonde hair spoke first, “Welcome to the Jeweled World.”  Julia gulped, “How did we get here?”  “When a bond is formed between girls of 3, while wearing the jewels, you will be transported here.”  Meredith said.  Meredith continued,” The jewels activate all paintings and statue in the Wellington castle”.  Amelia wide eyed with the magical scenery asked, “Is like a fairytale land?” The brunette lady with big brown eyes responded, “Sweetie this isn’t a fairytale it’s the past, but you must keep this land a secret.” “Why?” Jennifer asked. “When people discover the Jeweled World, They try to capture the fairies here to abuse the magic in the real world.”  The girls followed the older women to the dress room inside the castle. The dress room is where thousands of dresses were worn by ancestors in the royal family at least in the girls’ time because the room only held almost a hundred dresses.  Constance wobbled as she straightens the newborn baby dresses with the name Merissa stitched in them. Amelia gave the name some thought, but before she could get the words out Julia blurted “Grandma?!”  Merissa was their mother, she went missing after the twins were born and was never seen again. Constance looked over at Meredith, “these girls have a little of Merissa in each of them.” Jennifer dropped her bracelet, and the rooms begin to spin, the ladies disappeared and at least 500 dresses were swirling around with gust of glitter and ribbons. The girls looked around seeing they were in their own time.  Julia looked out the window noises of the night filled her ears. Amelia grabbed Jennifer’s wrist in her to their room. Julia put on her night gown and looked forward to the future of visiting all the paintings that lead to the Jeweled World.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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