Chapter 5: Betrayal

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Olive headed first towards the center of the undercity, where most inhabitants hung around — and where she was most likely to find what she was looking for. She kept her hood up and her head down as she trudged through the filthy streets, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. Neon lights flashed across her face in the dark, and she could only hope that they didn't reveal her to any of Sevika's goons that may be hanging around. As she walked, she began lifting her head to search for anyone who looked like they might have information (and would give it up willingly, which was less than likely). She nearly screamed when a purple-veined arm suddenly reached out from a dark corner and grabbed her wrist.

"L-Looking for something, m-miss?" The person asked, pulling themselves out of the shadows. He was a small man that was clearly malformed by an addiction to shimmer. Large broken glasses sat on his crooked nose, and his eyes were desperate, like most shimmer addicts, but they were also kind. Olive couldn't help but have a feeling that he might truly be able to help her.

"I'm in need of medicine. My friend, she got stabbed, and- and it's bad. I don't know what else to do," she replied, turning to look the man straight in the eyes. He let go of her wrist to push up his glasses and cleared his throat.

"I think I know someone who m-may be able to help you, miss." He wrung his hands nervously, like her wasn't sure Olive would believe him.

"Take me to them."

Perhaps this wasn't the best idea. Olive grew more and more nervous as the man led her into the darker parts of the Undercity — the parts she hadn't yet dared to venture into. Shimmer addicts lurked left and right, and Olive had to stay on high alert to avoid their desperate grasps and begging cries. Perhaps it was the eyes that frightened her the most; bloodshot, and void of their now lost humanity. A shiver crawled down Olive's spine. Just when Olive was about to break and admit to the man that she couldn't do it, the light of what looked like a small stand or shop appeared in the distance.

"He s-sells potions, miss," the small man suddenly said. "He should be able to help your friend."

Olive caught herself nearly racing to the light. When she reached the small counter, she was met by a growling face behind a gate.

"I need something for my friend. Sh-she's been stabbed. Badly." Olive spoke breathlessly, conflicted by feelings of pure fear and determination. The potion-maker turned without a word and began doing something behind the gate. After a moment, he turned around with two vials in his hand. One larger, almost filled with a clear liquid, and a smaller one that seemed to be some form of...shimmer? Olive wasn't exactly in the position to be questioning it.

"Trade or coin," The creature grunted, clearly insinuating that payment was required for the glowing final ingredient.

"C-coin," Olive stuttered, pulling out a jingling pouch from one of her pockets. "Will this be enough?"

He opened the grate to pull the pouch through and looked at the contents. "Good." He closed the pouch and returned to the vials. With surprising gentleness, he poured a single drop of the smaller vial into the larger, which instantly took on the vibrant hue. He then corked the bottle and shoved it through the small slot before slamming the grate closed. Olive gulped and picked up the now glowing vial, tucking it into the most secure pocket she had.

"So how do we get out of here?"

Olive raced after the small man she had been traveling with — he was surprisingly quick on his feet. After what still felt like forever, they reached a part of the lanes that Olive was actually familiar with. She stopped, turning to her guide with an anxious smile.

"Thank you, so much. Really," She said quietly. The man shook his head.

"O-oh it's n-nothing, really," he replied, looking back down at his again wringing hands. "Even th-though I'm like this n-now, I s-still have to h-help someone in need." He looked up at Olive with huge eyes. "G-go," He continued, "it sounds like your friend needs you." Olive nodded and bid the man goodbye before turning and racing through the streets towards her apartment. Hopefully she hadn't taken too long.

When Olive banged through her apartment door, her eyes first fell on Vi's slumped body. And her closed eyes.

"No," she whispered, "No, no, no, no, no, no." She rushed over to her, kneeling down and taking Vi's face in her hands. "Vi? Wake up, come on." Cold sweats started on her body. When Vi's eyes slowly fluttered open, Olive's shoulders sagged as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Did I make you nervous, Cupcake?" Vi asked quietly, half lifting her mouth in a smile and looking up at Olive. She suddenly groaned and held her abdomen where she had been stabbed, hissing when her hand came in contact with the wound.

"Hold on, I've got something for you," Olive hushed her quietly, pulling out the glass vial. Lifting up Vi's chin, she lifted the vial up to her parted lips and tipped the contents into her mouth. Vi slumped at first after drinking, but then her eyes suddenly flew open and flashed purple. She let out a roar of pain and her torso shot up, jolted with what was clearly a sudden pain. Olive was able to gently grab on to her arms when Vi's torso leaned into hers, trying to let her down slowly. Jolts continued to hit Vi's body, and she began whimpering in Olive's arms. Her hands naturally cupped Vi's face, looking into her eyes and gently circling her thumbs on her cheeks. "Easy, easy, easy," she soothed, finally being able to fully lean Vi back against the wall as the rushes of pain seemed to stop. Sighing, Olive stood back up and waited a few moments for Vi to come back to herself. Once Vi opened her eyes fully and began to sit up, Olive focused.

"We need to get you back on your feet," she said quietly, leaning against the wall. "I'm assuming Sevika has something to do with this Silco person? Whatever's going on, we need to be more careful." She took a deep breath and crossed her arms. "What did Sevika say to you, anyways?"

Vi seemed to consider something before answering. "I have a younger sister — Powder. I thought she was dead, but apparently not. Sevika told me she works for Silco." The last bit seemed to pain Vi more than she was letting on.

"How do you not know if your own sister is dead or alive?" Olive asked in what she quickly realized had been a condescending tone.

"You're one to talk," Vi scoffed. "It's hard to check up on people from a concrete cell." She stood up abruptly, advancing towards Olive. "Aren't you the one who came to me since you couldn't find your own mother on your own? You, who still doesn't know where she is or if she's alive? Shit, it's like you don't even understand how clueless you really are." Her glare pierced Olive's body.

Olive glared back for a moment before sighing. "You're right. I'm sorry," she replied, shrugging and letting her arms fall by her sides. She was about to continue talking before they were interrupted by a sudden clanging. Vi's face hardened as she turned and started stalking towards the door. The sounds of clanging and small cries continued.

But when she opened the door, Vi's stony face turned shocked when she saw who stood outside.

Silco, armed with two goons and crouching shimmer addicts that reached for the vials of the purple liquid he held in his hands.

"Vander's prodigy," he began. "I've regretted that we never had the opportunity to speak." Upon hearing his eerie voice, Olive took a few steps towards the door to look out, and saw her first glimpse of Silco. He was a small man, yet still somehow terrifying to take in. Half of his face was covered with horrible scarring, and his eye in the same place had been replaced with a large black orb with a small orange iris. But the true shock came when Olive caught sight of the face of one of the shimmer addicts who took a vial from his hands. She gasped when she recognized him — that was the man who had helped her find the potion for Vi.

It was her fault they had found them.

"What have you done with my sister?" Vi asked menacingly, taking a few threatening steps forward.

"I've freed her," Silco replied with a casual smirk. "Mistakenly, I believed you to be the prize of your so-called family. But, Jinx...She is better than I ever imagined."


Another chapter down the hatchet! Since it's the weekend and I'm in an especially strong writing mood, Chapter 6 will likely get posted later tonight as well. Don't forget to comment and vote, and I'll see ya soon! (from the page)

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