Azula's Scorching Depths

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Azula closed her eyes in a blissful trance as she swallowed Annet. The sensation of the tiny girl sliding down her throat as she swallowed was incredibly pleasing to her. The fire princess lightly touched the bulge she made in her neck, before it disappeared behind her chest. She then let out a sigh of satisfaction, which was heard loud and clear by Annet deep inside her body.

Annet was scared senseless by the near suffocating squeeze and pull of Azula's dark esophagus. The tight tube pushed the poor girl down mercilessly, treating her like any normal piece of food. In addition to the squelching of the esophageal contractions, Azula's heavy breathing and excited heartbeat echoed all around Annet, joining together in an assault on her ears. What terrified Annet the most, however, was the knowledge that she was completely encompassed by the sadistic princess. It mattered little to Azula or her own body that Annet was in tears of terror. All she cared about was the sensation of the tiny girl traveling down towards her stomach, which she very much enjoyed.

Annet: Help! Please, anybody! Help me!

Annet knew no one could hear her cries for help, not that there was anyone around to hear them, but she was desperate for any chance to escape from Azula's body. Unfortunately, she would have no such luck, as she was soon dropped into the churning cauldron of the fire princess' stomach. As Annet rose up and broke the surface of the stomach acid, she immediately felt the sting of digestion. It wouldn't be long till the process started its hard work. Looking around her stomach, Annet could see that there was very little else inside besides her and the green juices. It was also pretty dark, with the only light coming from the ever flexing and expanding walls. It was like they were lit on fire.

Wadding in the digestive juices inside Azula's stomach, Annet truly felt insignificant, as if standing before the giant princess and being swallowed whole by her hadn't already. Suddenly, the maniacal laugh of Azula blasted from above, the fire princess enjoying the degradation she was putting the tiny girl through.

Azula: Well my sweet Annet, I must say you were delicious and quite filling. I think you'll quell my hunger perfectly.

Azula then patted her stomach, jostling the entire chamber.

Azula: I hope you like your new surroundings, because you'll be staying in there for quite a while. 

Azula gave another devious laugh, the sound of which chilled Annet to the bone. Immediately, the little girl began swimming towards the wall where the vibration was strongest. Once she reached shallow juices, she ran up to the shifting walls and began pounding against it, desperate to escape the hellish stomach.

Annet: Let me out Azula! Please, I'm begging you!

Azula: No, no my little Annet, you're going to be staying inside my stomach until my body breaks you down.

Annet: No! Please, let me out!

Azula mused over Annet's pleas before she let out a loud, obnoxious yawn, opening her mouth super wide.

Azula: It seems that our playtime has taken a lot of my energy. I think I'll retire to my chambers now. Happy digestions, my sweet little Annet.

Azula got up and walked to her bedroom. As she did, her stomach shook violently, sloshing the stomach acid inside along with Annet. The poor girl was dragged under and pulled left and right by the violent currents. It was like being in the ocean during a hurricane. Annet no longer had a bearing on her surroundings.

Once Azula entered her personal room, she plopped down on her bed. This caused the digestive juices to sweep Annet up as it ran up the stomach walls and curved off in a massive wave. To Annet, it was like she had gone airborne. Just as suddenly as it had risen up, the acid wave came crashing back down, violently pushing Annet back into the juicy sea. After this, Azula's stomach calmed.

Azula fell into a light sleep, her right arm slumping off the bed and her left arm on her ever groaning stomach. Inside, Annet floated on the surface of the stomach juices, too dazed by the violence to move her body. As she did, Annet reminisced on the events that had led her here.

Annet: I can't believe this is happening! The great Azula has eaten me as a light snack. To think that I had such a huge crush on this sadistic princess. Now I'll be digested… and no one will know what happened to me. No one will even remember me.

Annet then began to cry.

Annet: I don't want to die! I don't *sniff* wanna… DIE!!!

Annet began to cry herself a delta of tears down her face as the stomach acid began to digest… Azula's Firey Snack!


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