ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1

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You looked around and the only thing you could see was void. You thought back to what had happened and realized one thing.

Your damn Doritos had gone to waste because Truck-kun had been an ass and killed you while you were walking home from the store.

"God fucking dammit Truck-kun!! couldn't you have waited until I ate my Doritos because they're fucking expensive and I ain't rich!" You yelled while scratching your head.

When you had calmed down you saw your body was transparent. "Soo~ is this the afterlife or something?" You asked no one in particular but the second you had said it a wave of drowsiness hits you.

And you were engulfed by the void.






You sprung up with a kick and were hit by the loud sound of cars and different smells, plus other stuff you didn't recognize it was very overwhelming at first and it didn't help that your sight was blurry.

It took a while to fully be able to see but with a few hundred blinks, everything was clear but it was much clearer than normal and it was as if your senses had increased. "what the-?!" but you stopped talking when you realized a meow came out instead of your normal voice.

In shock you looked at your hands or should I say paws. 'So not only had I wasted money on my damn Doritos but I also got FUCKING ISEKAIED INTO A CATS BODY!! CAN THIS GET ANY WORSE!!' You thought while you threw your paws into the air.

But you soon realized that was a bad idea because you weren't used to this body so there wasn't any balance nor control and that ended with you falling backwards on your back on the concrete.

Oh now you were pissed, let's just say there were some very colorful yet creative words coming out of your mouth but from another perspective, all you could see was a cat throwing a tantrum in the middle of an alleyway, it looked quite hilarious.

When you calmed down you sat up and took a good look around and realized that you were in an alleyway in NYC. "Well, this is a surprise. I wasn't expecting to wake up in NY but ya know there is so much chaos that I can do here," you say with a sinister smirk while rubbing your front paws together and looking around.

"But prioritizes first I need to get used to this new body of mine" you stand up on all four and stood there for a few seconds. So far it was kinda easy but the real deal starts now. You take a step forward but you ended up faceplanting into the ground. "Oww that hurt..." you whined while covering your face with your front paws.

You lay there and pondered if you should give up on life but convinced yourself that you wouldn't be able to cause havoc if you couldn't walk. So you started taking a small step forward and then you did it again and again and the more you did it the more control you got. Around 30 minutes later you could walk decently normally and run but you would wobble a bit so you had to be careful when you ran and also because you were much faster than you had anticipated and ended up crashing into a pair of trashcans.

Now when that was over your next mission was to find food before you starved. You walked out of the alleyway and made it to the main street, there were people and cars everywhere. "whoa"


40 minutes later you had found yourself outside a pizzeria and you had given yourself a mission. The mission was easy, get in there steal some food maybe play arsonist for a bit and get out. Sounds easy enough right?

So right now all you had to do was wait till someone opened the door. and it seems lady luck was on your side today because someone just walked out of the pizzeria and that was your cue.

You dashed towards the door and the moment you walked through the door you were hit by the smell of cheese and tomato sauce and different types of seasonings. And now your mission was in action, 'stealth mode activated'. You crawled under the tables and went closer and closer to the kitchen. But when you were halfway under the last table until you felt something take a hold of your sides and picked you up.

And when the person who had picked you up turned you around you were met with an orange mask and an orange hoodie, but you could barely see their face because the hood was up but you could tell they were very happy because there were sparkles surrounding them.

[I hope you like it I made it for fun and I thought it could make this story a bit fancier so I might make something like this later on

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[I hope you like it I made it for fun and I thought it could make this story a bit fancier so I might make something like this later on.]

"What are you doing in here little fella?". He asked but was ignored but it wasn't intentionally because you were in a state of shock and it was not because you got picked up no no no, but it was because you could recognize that voice anywhere and anytime, and it was none other than Michelangelo hamato in the flesh and it was at that moment every Thing clicked you had gotten isekaied into Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

And while you were stuck in your thoughts Mikey was starting to worry considering you haven't made a sound or movement after he had come face-to-face with you. "Are you okay?" and when he said that you snapped out of it and to make sure he was real you put one of your paws on his snout, and by doing that his whole face lighted up and you were brought into a bear hug while he was giggling and having the time of his life. It made your heart warm seeing him so happy by just being bopped on his snout and without even noticing you started to purr and melt into his hug.

You two stayed like that until you could hear someone clearing their throat. "ahem, Mikey what do you have there?" a deeper voice could be heard while Mikey froze, and faster than speed itself he turns around while holding you behind his back. "Nothing," he said with the most innocent smile he could muster up.

"Mikey,"  the voice said again but with a bit more serious tone. "Fine..."  Mikey said while looking down as he pulled you out from behind him and started to talk again while looking down at you. "I found them under a table and it looked like they were about to sneak into the kitchen."

"Well if that is the case then we should take the little fella out again because we need to head back before the sun goes up." the man said. "But Raph can't we keep them, they're adorable and they don't seem scared at all, " the man who turned out to be the oldest brother or otherwise known as Raphael Hamato let out a sigh and was about to protest but was stopped by you and Mikey doing puppy dog eyes.

'No! I need to handle it like a boss but they're too cute!!' Ralph thought while trying to protect himself from you and Mikey but it didn't go as well as he wanted it to because the moment he opened his eyes again he gave in. "fine we can take them home with us but! you need to be able to take care of them because taking care of a pet is not an easy feat, do you understand?"

"Yup I Understand," He said whit a happy smile while spinning you around and Raph could only watch with a gentle smile as he sigh for the second time.
And that is how you ended up coming home with them.

To be continued

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