2. The Arrangement

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    "Boss, I think that she may be waking up." A man's voice says it sounds distant. I think that my senses may be off, I got hit in the temple hard, and my head still pounding. I notice that my hands are cuffed to the arms of the chairs I have been placed in, but my feet are free.

    Be smart, I think to myself. You can escape this! I decided to stay perfectly still and act like I was still passed out. Maybe I could hear something important.

    "She still looks like she is out to me." Another man replies. His voice sounds raspy. 'I need to go run a few errands. When she wakes up, explain the situation to her."

    "Yes, Master," the guy who had previously spoken replies. I hear the man referred to as Master leave and take a mental note of which direction the sound of the door came from.

    I wonder what my chances of the back of my chair being against the wall are, they probably didn't sit me in the middle of the room. I ever so slightly crack one of my eyes open, checking the room in front go me. There are three men, much larger than me, but are they smarter than me?

    Their backs are turned to me. One busily types on a computer, and the other two are leaning over discussing what's on the screen.

    Showtime, I think to myself. Thankfully, the idiots left my legs united, so I could quickly stand. The wooden chair kegs scrape across the floor loudly. All three men turn around. The shortest man yells, "I knew she was awake! Grab her!"

    As fast as I can manage, I run backward, slamming the wooden chair into the grey, stone walls. Luck is on my side. I feel it break, releasing me, but the chair arms are still strapped to my arms. This may give me an advantage.

    One of the men reaches me first. He begins to grab a hold of me, but I raise my arms, using the chair arm as a weapon, and I smash it into the side of his head. He falls to the floor with a loud thud.

    The next man to reach me tries the same thing. I take my knee and ram it into his crouch as hard as I can. When he doubles over, I take the chair arm and crack it over his head. He drops, and the chair arm falls with him.

    The third guy is right behind me as I run out of the door. It's the same man that I uppercut. He is much bigger than me, and as he tackles me to the ground, I realize that he is much faster and stronger, too. Being hit in the head the first time showed me down.

    He has me pinned to the ground as he whispers into my ear. "Listen, this is how it is going to go. The more you try to run, the harsher the restraints will become, so remember to be a good girl for us. We have asked your mother for ransom money, and -"

    I began to laugh under him, cutting him off. My head turns to the side, and I glance up into his grey eyes. "You think my mother gives a shit about me enough to pay to get me back? She barely paid for anything when she was raising me! Now that I'm almost 19, she doesn't give a damn what happens to me. Good luck getting that money."

    His eyes grow wide. "You're just saying that so we will let you go."

    "Get up," he yells, holding my hands behind my back as he pulls me up by my hair. I grit my teeth and fight back the urge to cry out. I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he can hurt so easily.

    I am escorted away from the stone building I was in, and we enter a large two-story log cabin. it would be very pretty if I was in a different situation. Right before the man drags me in, I quickly glance around. Trying to remember my surroundings, so that maybe I can find an escape route. There's nothing, but tall pine trees for miles and miles.

    He kicks the door behind us closed, still keeping his grip on my hands. Letting go of my hair, I look around. It looks like any other house from what I can tell, "So where am I?" I ask.

    He scoffs, "You think I'd be dumb enough to tell you where you are?"

    I mod. "Maybe. I mean, it was pretty dumb of you guys not to tie my legs to the chair."

    I shrug. "I guess."

    "Better watch it around the Master. That'll get you in a lot of trouble with him," he says with a serious face.

    I roll my eyes. "And why would I care?"

    "Out of all four of us, Master's punishments will by far be the worst. I can promise you that."

    We reach the end of a long hall on the top floor, and the man opens a door. It's much different from the other ones. The locks are on the outside, and its metal, unlike the other wooden ones. When we enter, he shuts the door behind us, and I feel his hot breath against my ear. A shiver shoots down my spine. "Now," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "This will be your room. I am going to let go of your hands. Remember what I said outside. The more you try to escape, the harsher the restraints will get. As of now, you can move freely around your room, and you can be escorted throughout the house. "His hands fall from my wrist, and he brings his fingers to my neck, brushing hair away from my shoulder. "Don't screw that up. Got it?"

    I nod. "Got it," I murmur

    He brings his lips so close to the bend of my neck that they graze my skin as he speaks, and I feel my knees weaken. I am unable to move. "Good girl."

    I shiver, repulsed. Who does this asshole think he is?

    He pulls away from me, and I hear the door open. "By the way, my name is Stefan. See you later, Mya." The door closes, and I hear several locks click behind me. God, if they know my name, I wonder what else they know.

    Now that I am alone, I explore my little area. I'll admit that it's not that bad. They fixed it up for a female. My stomach flips at the fact that I may not be the only girl who has been thrown into this room. I wonder how many others there were, I wonder how many have made it out alive.

    The walls are light grey with a single barred window to the right of me. My bed is full-sized with teal sheets, and a teal and white chevron comforter. It's in the far right corner of the room with a small, white table beside it holding a silver and white lamp. Directly across the room from it is a wardrobe, and to the left of me is a laundry basket, and a room leading to a small bathroom containing a toilet, sink, and shower. Other than that, the area is pretty bare, and I decided that I'd probably go insane from boredom before I escaped.

    I walk over to the wardrobe, curious to see what's in it. When I open its doors, I see several shirts, a few pairs of jeans, and some pajamas. They seem to be my size, and I let out a sigh of relief at the fact that I will at least have clothes to wear. Just as I'm about to shut the door, something catches my eye. A piece of paper is taped to the inside. I read it and my mouth falls open.

Submissive's Schedule

Sunday- Master

Monday- Eric

Tuesday- Stefan

Wednesday- Bryan

Thursday- Master

Friday- Submissive's Choice

Saturday- Rest Day

    NO. No, no, no. This can't be real. Submissive? They're going to use me as a toy that they can pass around, and use. Tomorrow is Sunday. As realization hits me, I sink to the flooring hug my knees to my chest, finally letting tears escape my eyes. Determination fills me, overcoming my fears, and thoughts. Tonight, I let myself rest. Tomorrow, I escape.

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