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I was finishing up a huge candle order in the back of the store when I heard the front door open.

"Mommy!" I heard a voice yell, I just shook my head.

"Hey, is that how we talk inside?" I asked coming from the back. I then saw who was standing behind mine and Andy's 5-year-old son Ryder Dale Barber. The New York trip and Andy not being able to leave me alone on that trip served to be a good trip and gave us Ryder. Right now, I was looking behind Ryder at Jacob.

"JACOB!" I yelled and ran to him and hugged him. He had been away at college in California, and we hadn't seen him much.

"Is that how we talk inside?" Ryder said mocking me.

"When did you get back?" I asked as I hugged him.

"A little bit ago. I called dad and he said I should pick this kid up from daycare and bring him here." Jacob said and I nodded.

"I'm happy you did. This is an amazing surprise." I said and hugged him again.

"I'm hungry." Ryder whined and I sighed.

"I could eat." Jacob said and I laughed.

"You could always eat." I said and he nodded.

"Well, I just finished the last candles for the day, I have chili in the crockpot at home and your dad should be home soon. Why don't we head home and wait for dad?" I asked and Ryder nodded.

"Jakey, piggyback ride!" Ryder said and Jack bent down. Ryder jumped on his back, and we headed out of the store. I closed it up early, this was a day to do so since Jake was home. It was so close on nice days like today it was easy to walk home. We passed Andy's law office and I sighed.

"Why don't you guys' head home, stay out of the chili and I will go get your dad." I said and they nodded. I walked into Andy's office and saw his secretary.

"Hey, is he with someone?" I asked and she shook her head. "He is done for the day just doing some paperwork." She said and I nodded.

"Go ahead and head home. I'm going to try and get him to leave." I said and she gave a small laugh.

"Good luck and good night Mrs. Barber." She said and walked out. I smiled whenever someone called me Mrs. Barber still to this day, I loved it.

I walked back to Andy's office and saw him sitting at his desk looking annoyed at some files.

"Excuse me Mr. Barber?" I said and he smiled looking up.

"Well, this is a surprise." Andy said and I nodded walked in, shutting his door and locking it. I walked over to Andy's desk getting between Andy's chair and the desk pushing the files to the side and sitting down.

"Well let's see I have sent Jacob and Ryder home, your secretary home and now I'm here to pick you up." I said and Andy nodded.

"Well look at you just getting everyone round up." Andy said and I smiled as he stood up and spread my legs, stepping between my legs. Thank god I wore a dress today.

"Well, what do you say Mr. Barber, you ready to go home?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I don't think so. I have one more thing to take care of." Andy said as he moved his lips to my neck and his hands running up my thighs.

"Andy..." I moaned out and he smiled against my neck as I reached and started undoing his pants. He moved my panties to the side as I moved to the edge of his desk. I guided him inside me and moaned out as he entered me slowly.

"God you never cease to amaze me with how perfect you feel." Andy said and I moaned out with a nod. Andy started thrusting. He picked me up, sat down in his chair sitting me on his lap and I laughed.

"You want me to do all the work?" I asked and he laughed. I swirled my hips on his and he growled out. As I started moving on Andy and he grabbed my hips helping me move on him. Soon he was throbbing inside of me, and I moaned clenching around him. Soon we were both releasing, and I placed my forehead on Andy's shoulder.

"Ready to go home now?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Few more minutes of just holding you." Andy said and I smiled.

"Won't find me complaining." I said and I kissed Andy's neck.

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A week later we were sitting having a small family only birthday celebration for Ryder. Andy looked at me and I nodded as he walked into the house from the backyard.

"So, Ryder, dad and I have one more gift for you." I said and he smiled.

"What is it?!" He asked excitedly. Ellie looked at me as Andy walked out carrying a Jack Russel terrier puppy.

"Happy birthday buddy!" Andy said and I smiled as he handed him the puppy. The puppy started licking Ryder's face and we all laughed.

"All the time I asked for a puppy and never got one!" Jacob said and we laughed.

"This is mostly Ryder's puppy but a family dog so if you move back to Newton..." Andy said, and I laughed at him conning Jacob.

"Well, I was thinking about it honestly." Jacob said and I smiled.

"So, all the Barber's back in one town and happy?" I asked and Jacob nodded as I leaned over and hugged him. Andy came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind where I was sitting down.

"I think here and now is the best time to be in town and be a Barber." Andy said and I nodded. "I love you and thank you for coming back." Andy whispered in my ear. I turned my head to look at him.

"Thank you for making me stay." I said and Andy smiled as he leaned in, and he gave me a kiss.


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