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Moon's eyes open and he groans as he wakes up from an incessant beeping noise coming from somewhere. He glares into the empty room, trying to find out where it's coming from before freezing.

Oh. Right. It's coming from him. Systems fully awake, an alert pops up, warning him of his low battery percentage. He quietly gets up, only now realizing he fell asleep with Codie on her bed. His hat lies on the floor, having fallen off during slumber.

He smiles down at the still sleeping girl, replaying last night in his head. The beeping keeps up its barrage of ear-piercing torture, so Moon hurriedly exits the room, lest he wakes up the girl. He checks the time, finding it to only be six in the morning. 'Good, Sunny gets up at seven...' Moon notes, sneaking back into his room.

He climbs into bed and plugs himself in. The lunar bot figures he could get about half charge before he's forced up by his brother. Speaking of, how is he supposed to bring last night up? Should he wait for Codie to tell him? Would Codie want him to tell the sunny animatronic?

Or...? Moon smirks, ideas going through his head. He'll talk to Codie later.


Codie awakens to a stomach ache. She groans and sits up. The ginger quickly throws on some pajamas and trudges to the bathroom. Confirming her fears, Codie passes another kidney stone, crying out and biting her tongue.

She gags at the metallic taste of blood as she finishes up.

The door suddenly shoves open with force, startling the girl as her hands jostle and make a mess of water from the sink. Moon stands in the doorway, eyes wide and a cable sticking out of his side.

The two stare wide-eyed at each other before he asks, "What happened? Why'd you cry in pain?" His eyes go up and down her body, probably scanning her ten times over.

Codie, still taken aback with surprise, slowly washes her hands, all the while keeping eye contact with Moon, pointedly not responding. She calmly dries her hands while Moon throws his hands up, still worried.

She eyes the cord, then his face, back to the cord, and then groans. "Moon...I know we just..." Codie whispers, "confessed last do not need to barge into the bathroom. No matter what noises you may hear..." she said slowly as if talking to a first grader.

Moon looks around as if guilty, but not really seeing what he did wrong, nodding anyway.

"Were..." Codie points to the protruding cable, "...were you asleep?"

Moon looks down, then back to Codie. "...Um...yes..."

"Ugh," Codie groans but laughs afterwards. "Go back to sleep and charge, you weirdo! I passed another kidney stone, but I'm okay now. I'll probably ask Sun to put his hand on my stomach though... So much better than any heating pad, I swear..." she trails off with a blush.

The nighttime attendant blinks a few times. "R-right... Speaking of Sunny...?" he silently asks Codie to answer the unspoken question.

She startles back into focus, her blush deepening. She chews on her finger, "Oh! Right... Oh man... I was half asleep last night, it was so much easier to do..." Moon chuckles at her, backing up from the doorway as she moves forward.

"I had an idea if you'd like to hear?" Moon speaks up, taking her hand and dragging her back to his room.

Codie goes silent and then panics. "He's only in the kitchen, I'm sure he heard what we said already, though!" The bot takes both hands.

"Luckily, he's on the porch watering his plants. No eavesdropping from him, promise. Now would you like to hear my plan?"

"Plan?" Codie repeats, an eyebrow raising. "You're gonna be devious, aren't you?" Moon smirks in response, giving Codie all she needs to know. "You're evil! Poor Sunny has to live with you and your pranks!" A beat. Codie leans in. "What's the plan?"

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