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"Good. Mark will go with you. I'll call him. "


Before Jackson could make the phone call, Jungkook stopped him.

"Can I go say bye to my hyungs first? "

"But you were with them just now. "

Before the cute bunny could argue more, Y/n stepped in.

"Hey. it's okay Mr. Jackson. Let him go. I need to use the restroom, if you could direct me to one. Please. "

Reluctantly he nodded and Jungkook ran off.

Leaving the humans in the waiting room, the bunny hybrid rushed to his personal corner of the recreational room. He knew all his hyungs would be there. Waiting for either the good news or the sad one.

"Jungkook! "

He spotted his eldest hyung calling for him and rushed with more vigour.

"You're back! "

The pink haired boy couldn't stop smiling on seeing his younger friend return.

"Uh. I don't have much time. "

Just as jungkook declared the news, there was total silence among the group.

"You're leaving? "

The blue haired boy gave him a heartbroken expression.

"Just for some days Taehyungie hyung. I'll either be back in a few days Or I'll get her to take all of us out. "

Jungkook sat down next to his youngest hyung and held his hands tightly.

"But junkoogie... You're going! "

"Don't worry hyung. She agreed to let me come back whenever I want. "

"Be careful Jungkook. We can't really trust humans. You know they might have ulterior motives. "

"I'll be careful Namjoonie hyung. She looks too small and naive. I'm sure I can get her to do what I want. "

The youngest boy stood up, exchanging hugs with everyone and walked away.


Twenty minutes later, y/n parked her car in front of her home. Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the huge mansion, as did Mark's, the friendly inspector who came over to oversee things.

"It's so big

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"It's so big. "

"Hmm.come in."

Y/n nodded and led them both inside, Offering slippers at the door. Once in the living room, y/n kept her briefcase on the table and gestured them to settle down on the sofa.

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