Chapter 2

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"I got it you guys!" Said Lola running up to the table we were sitting at.
"You did?" asked Vanessa standing up and hugging her.
"Yes! I'm going to be Ana!" Lola said excitedly.
"That's awesome!" I said clapping.
"Congratulations." Julie said giving her a fist pump.
"Who's Kristoff?" Vanessa asked after a moment.
"Keith Carter. And Brielle Snyder is Elsa." Lola said smiling.
"Really? Brielle is Elsa?" Julie asked.
"Yeah. She really makes a great Elsa too. Since she just bleached her hair." Lola added.
"That's good. She was just telling me how she was hoping to get Elsa." Julie said drinking her juice.
"Who's Olaf?" asked Asher sitting down next to me.
"I didn't look." Lola said sitting down at the table and popping a grape into her mouth.
"I bet you it was Finn Moran." said Vanessa eating a french fry.
"True, he was good." said Asher pointing his celery stick at her.
"Or Simon Brown." Julie said.
"Yeah, I could so see him as Olaf." I said munching on some of my peas.
"The Stagehand sheets are up." Lola added taking her fruit cup out and opening it. It exploded and spilled everywhere. "Ugh. When you go, get me a napkin?" she asked. I nodded and stood up.
"Sign me up for lights or sounds!" Vanessa called.
"And me Paint!" Julie called after her. I smiled back at them.
I walked up the the board that the lists were pinned on and signed my name for Costumes, Julie's for Paint, and Vanessa's for Sounds. I also checked the cast list.
Ana: Lola Hoffman
Elsa: Breille Snyder
Christoff: Keith Carter
Olaf: Simon Brown
Hans: Finn Moran
Sven: Selene Edwards and Gregory Mason
I smiled at the thought of Finn being Hans. Finn has brownish-red hair and brown eyes and freckles. He's unattractive, really. Or so I think, his girlfriend Mia Harrison would tell me otherwise.
I walked back to the table running the names in my head over and over so I wouldn't forget them. I stopped at the condiments table and grabbed a few napkins. I jogged over and sat down.
"Vanessa your Sounds." I told her, sitting down, handing Lola her napkins. "Julie your paints, and I checked the cast list again. Finn is Hans, Simon is Olaf."
"Oh! Simon makes a great Olaf." Julie said picking up her taco.
"Yeah, but Finn as Hans?" Vanessa asked rebraiding her long dark brown hair. I shrugged.
"Did you get a spot, Ellie?" Lola asked after she had thrown her napkins away. She still had a big wet spot on the thigh of her jeans, and a little on her purple frozen tee shirt. I hadn't noticed she was wearing it until now.
"Nice shirt, and yeah." I said getting up to throw my tray away.
"Haha, yeah." Asher laughed.
"Thanks." She said posing like a model.
She wasn't wearing her hair in braids today, her hair was free. It was curly and natural. Lola's hair is naturally SUPER curly. When she straightens it, it comes down to the bottom of her ribcage, but un-straighten it only comes down to her collar bone. Its THAT curly.
"Oh, wow." Vanessa said looking up from her braid.
"Ben Keller got his hair cut." Lola said looking in the same direction Vanessa was. Asher and I both turned around to see and so did basically everyone else in the cafeteria.
Ben Keller is the Quarterback on the high school football team. He's what you call 'the most popular guy in school' but at our school he really isn't THAT popular, he's just nice to look at.
"It looks good." Vanessa said watching him get in the lunch line.
"Bye." said Julie getting up and throwing her trash away. She grabbed her bag and left. Julie can't stand Ben, he's a jerk, and I agree, but she doesn't like the fact that he gets a bunch of attention for being 'pretty'.
"He really did cut it." Asher said turning back around. Ben had hair down to his shoulders, it was curly and brown, and now it's cut into a neat little buzz cut.
"Heh, kinda makes his head look small." Julie said coming back to grab her keys she left on the table.
Lola laughed and almost spit apple juice everywhere.
"True." Asher said looking back over at Ben.

The bell rang and I got up and walked out of Mr. Wayne's class. I was so excited it was finally Friday. I walked out of the school and up to Asher who was leaning against his car. It was a white Jeep Wrangler.
Yes, we are sophomores. Asher was held back in third grade because during the year he got Brucellosis, a foodborne disease. He missed three months of school because of its severity and his mom felt that he did not have the proper schooling to move ahead. So she held him back and now he can drive as a sophomore. He's 17.
I had pitched in four hundred dollars I had been saving up since I got my job at Petsmart. His mom and dad liked my idea and I forced them to accept the money. Elizabeth even pitched in her tooth fairy money and a penny she found. Altogether we had thirty nine hundred sixty two dollars and fifty one cents. We used it to buy a very nice jeep for Asher. He loves it to death.
"Ready?" he asked me when I had stopped in front of him. He was texting on his phone again.
"Yup." I said. He turned his phone around and showed me a picture of a little Chow Chow puppy and a curly headed brunette little girl.
"Awe! Is that Callie?" I asked taking the phone from him and shading it from the sun to see better.
"Yeah, she's really excited. I told Lauren to tell her we said Happy Birthday." Asher said taking his phone back.
"Awe! She looks so happy." I said as Asher walked around to the driver side of the car. I opened the door to the passenger side and got in. I threw my backpack into the back seat with his.
"Are we picking Elizabeth up today or does she have softball practice?" I asked buckling in.
"Actually, she has a game." Asher said starting the car.
"A game? On a Friday? That's random." I said putting my long blonde hair up into a ponytail.
"It's a makeup game. They cancelled one a few Saturdays back because there were no refs available." Asher said buckling in too. I began to take my jeans off. He looked over at me, probably from all the commotion in my chair.
"What are you doing?" he asked laughing a little at me struggling to get my legs out of my jeans.
"Talking my pants off. I always carry.... sweatpants in my bag. They are like..... makeshift pajamas." I said between grunts of frustration. He tilted his head back and laughed and began to pull out of the parking space. I finally got my pants off and slid into my black and green adidas pants.
"Better?" Asher asked as we turned onto the main highway.
"Much." I said laying my head back. He laughed.
I began to think about how me and Asher met. It was eighth grade, and I had just moved here to Hickory, North Carolina. My dad is in the Marines and we got stationed down here. We've moved twice before that. We've lived in Oklahoma, and Ohio after that. I was born, however, in Tennessee, where my mom and dad lived when my mother was going to college. My parent were "high school sweethearts".
Anyway, for the first month that we lived here, we stayed in a hotel just outside Hickory. It was the beginning of August, so school hadn't started. We were in the hotel because we hadn't found a house yet. We obviously did find a house though. It's a nice little three bedroom two story house near the center of town. If you follow the main highway down past the mall, and the antique stores there is a little road on your left called, "Lily Pad Lane". Only two houses are down that road, mine and a little newly wed couple, the Fitzpatrick's. They just moved in a month after we did. Cameron Fitzpatrick is also a Marine, so he and my dad hang out a lot and drink beer and watch football. They are both big Buffalo Bills fans. My dad and him are from New York.
My mom however isn't a very big football fan. But if you ask her what her favorite football team is she'll tell you, the Green Bay Packers. She's from Wisconsin. If they hadn't moved to Tennessee their senior year of high school, I wouldn't exist.
Penelope Fitzpatrick happens to be expecting. She told us two months ago. Cameron and her are both hoping for a baby girl.
Our house is small but plenty big enough for me and my older sister, Eva. She's gone off to college now, Georgia Tech, so we don't see her much but her bedroom stays so that when she does come home it's ready for her. Upstairs is my bedroom, Eva's, and my parents. Down stairs, is the little kitchen, and a small formal dining room. The kitchen leads into the little living room with our 42 inch flat screen. Our house isn't super fancy or big like Asher's but it's cozy and just big enough for my little family.
"I'll be right back." Asher said turning the car off.
"I wanna come." I say opening my eyes and unbuckling.
"Okay, come on." Asher smiled and closed the door. I got out and walked into the middle school with him. He looked around and smiled.
"Remember these years?" He asked. He looked at me and smiled.
"Yeah." I said looking around and then up at him. He touched my cheek and then took my hand and walked me into the main office.
Elizabeth was sitting on a bench inside. She was reading a book. She looked up when we walked in.
"Elissa!" She said closing her book and running to hug me. I hugged her and stroked her dark brown french braid. Asher walked to the desk to sign her out and thank the secretary.
"Who did your hair?" I asked amazed. I can't french braid to save my life, but Julie can. Go figure.
"My friend, Katlynn. Her mom is a hairstylist." Elizabeth said releasing me, and touching her own braid.
"Well that's awesome. My friend knows how to french braid too." I said walking with her out of the office. Asher followed and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Does she have long pretty hair like Katlynn?" Elizabeth asked. I scrunched up my face.
"Not really." I said. I was going to say more but Asher interrupted. I let him. His words were more important than mine.
"Do you have your uniform and cleats and stuff?" He asked Elizabeth. She nodded.
"Yup. Did you bring my helmet?" She asked walking out the door.
"Yes. It's in the back seat." Asher checked his watch. "If you change in the car we can stop by Sheetz and get you some Gatorade and crackerjacks." Asher said excitedly. He opened the door for Elizabeth and I. Elizabeth smiled.
"Ooh! Yes! Okay!" She said closing the door and taking off her back pack. I got in and buckled my seat belt. Asher got in and started the car.
I pulled out my phone after it vibrated and read the text I got from Lola.
>Rehearsals start Monday
I sent her back "ok" and locked my phone. We pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. A bracelet flew from the back seat and hit the dash.
"Oops, sorry. Accident." Elizabeth said reaching up to grab it. I turned around to face her. She slipped her jersey, number three, over her head.
"So how was school?" I asked her. Asher smiled next to me.
"Good, in my science class we are starting a project. We have to make a thing for an egg to fall in so it doesn't break." She said putting on her softball pants and socks.
"Oh that's fun! Do you have Mr. Williams?" I asked her. She nodded.
"Yeah, he's awesome." She said finally sitting back. "Did you have him?"
"No." I said shaking my head. "I didn't go here in sixth grade. But I did a science program over the summer and he was running it." Elizabeth nodded and then took out her IPod. She put her earbuds in and laid down in the back. I turned back around and looked out the window. Asher glanced over his shoulder at her.
"She's gotta be exhausted." He said turning his blinker on.
"Why?" I asked.
"Cause she's had a lot of homework lately, projects and packets and all. She's been up for hours. She didn't go to bed last night until like eleven thirty." He parked the car.
"Wow." I turned around and touched Elizabeth's shoulder. She opened her eyes and took out her earbuds.
"We are here already? But I thought the game was at Housenberg field?" Elizabeth asked sitting up. Asher got out and opened the car doors for me and her and we got out.
"Nah, the papers say Greydin Park." Asher said handing her a pink helmet.
"Oh. Okay," She said taking the helmet. She set it on the ground and walked over to me. "Will you put my hair up in a ponytail? It's ugly when I do it." She handed me a rubber band and turned around. I pulled her long brown hair into a ponytail on top of her head.
"Elizabeth, what shampoo do you use?" I felt how soft her hair was and smelled it.
"Uh... It's a pink bottle. I'm not sure." She said, smelling her own hair. "Does smell good though." I nodded.
"Go catch up with your team. They are starting stretches." I took her shoulders and lightly nudged her towards the field.
"Yeah, play hard!" Asher called to her as she ran away. She looked back and waved at us. Asher and I started to walk over to the bleachers.
"Is your mom coming today?" I asked him. We walked past empty soccer fields and a basketball court a group of kids were playing on.
"No, she's working today." He answered as we sat in the bleachers. They were pretty clear. There was two elderly couples, a couple, and a girl with a toddler. We sat on the end closest to the pits.
"What about your dad?" I asked. Asher shook his head. I knew that. Keith is a lawyer and he rarely gets time off, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter is all he can relax on. He gets Independence day, and Veterans day but he sits in his home office and does online stuff. It drives Asher crazy.
The coach on the opposite team clapped his hands together and "The Tigers", says the banner to my right, took the field. Shortly after, Elizabeth's team, "The Hornets" departed into their places too.

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