Fun Day

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William walked into the kitchen and leant agianst the counter as the mayor lead his bodyguards to wait outside- they were all reasonably hesitant at first given that most of the town knew what a horrifying child William had been.

The mayor returned and motioned torwards the dining table:

A: "I'd rather sit down to discuss the matter, and why don't you make us some tea while you're standing?"

William sighed and began warming up some water while the mayor sat.

While he was adding the teabags the mayor continued to complain about the furniture which didn't suit his taste,
William rolled his eyes secretly and waved away the venom piling in his thoughts as
he carried the mugs to the table and sat.

The mayor sipped his tea and relaxed more:
"Atleast the tea you've made is adequate, now onto the more serious matters. You
do realize that because of your son's careless attitude you may lose your buisness? I wonder where he got his behaviour from hm?"

W: "Must just be his teenager phase. But I swear no more children are to get close to our animatronics, however I plan to make some childproof so that they are free to interact with in the future.
This incident is most likely to not reoccur, as the children should be more afraid to approach it. And in all fairness we had warning signs
not to get close-"

A: "-And those signs wouldn't stop a group of teenagers would they? You're incredibly lucky we've chosen not to rid of the establishment since the traggedy was caused by your son, and the victm was your son.

W: "Yes, I'm incredibly grateful, is there anything else?"

A: "Just a few papers to sign and we'll be done."

W: "Right then, I'll sign those on behalf of me and Mr. Emily."

A: "Glad to see you're adressing him formally now Afton."

The mayor called his guards inside, the female: carrying the papers.
William was stunned at the exaggerated stack of files, but kept to his word painfully and picked up a pen.


Henry and the kids walked down the driveway and into the town.
Their day was definetely going better than William's
Henry decided he'd treat all of the kids to a fun day to try and ease their minds from the accident, He walked over to the icecream parlor after having to memorize all five orders including his own, he returned with an icecream tray doing his best to try and not drop the scoops.

He made it over succesfully and the kids happily devoured the slightly melted desert

-Elizabeth: Rainbow Sherbet
--Charlie: Mint Chip
---Sammy: Rocky Road
----Micheal: Triple Caramel Chunk
-----Henry: Orange Dream

It was getting pretty late so he decided they should get dinner, After all William needed a break and he'd just given his kids a large amount of sugar, He also recently recieved his paycheck so he had quite some money to blow on fun.
There was a popular vote for DcMonalds so the kids ran energetically to the popular fast-food resturaunt, It was 3 votes agianst one- and that one vote was Charlie's who wanted Arby's. Henry felt bad so he offered to buy her some after they got DcMonalds but Charlie declined happily and said she didn't mind as long as she was fed.
He felt really grateful to have raised such a
sweet daughter.

After the food, the kids still had lots of energy to blow so he decided the appropriate thing to do was bring them to a nearby arcade-
Though he kind of felt he'd been betraying his buisness since the attraction had all 3 of the things the kids were brought to:
Arcade Games,
Junk Food,
and Ice Cream
But he figured this could be an acception, the kids probably would have wanted to do something new anyway- Well..sort of new.

He let the kids scatter as long as they came back to the prize area every 15 minutes ( The time is 7:21, The layout is similar to David Busters...Or was it Dave and Busters? can't remember. )

He decided to try out some games for himself
since he hadn't played in a while, for some reason he didn't bother touching the games at Fazbears probably due to the amount of booger-fingered kids that ran around touching everything and anything they laid their eyes on.. No wonder William had been so insistant on hiring a janitor.

He set his eyes on a certain plush in a claw machine ( You might know where this is going, I don't blame you because for this part I got a little unoriginal.) It was a large cat plush that was maybe the size of Elizabeth. William was never really fond of living animals so he decided to mock William with a gift he couldn't decline.
After several unfortunate tries and then the help of Micheal..Then Charlie....Then Sammy he finally had aquired the plush. The kids had made quite an investment too,
Micheal used some of his tickets on candies and a new pair of headphones, Elizabeth bought a makeup kit and some cute accesories, Charlie bought a rabbit plush and a slap on bracelet, and sammy bought some toy handcuffs and a trick gum taser.

The five headed back to the Afton house..And they were all extremely drained of energy after the intense gaming session, also the sugar rush was over.
Henry ended up having to carry Sammy because Micheal had lead Henry to the spot Sammy had fallen asleep in the arcade.
Micheal used his key to get inside and there they were greeted by frantic and stressed William who immediately pulled Micheal and Elizabeth close, It was at this moment Henry had realized he'd forgotten to let William know he took his kids. He looked at his phone and wasn't surprised to see the 38 missed calls.

William was clearly furious but his kids had fallen asleep agianst him- so he couldn't say anything..Yet.
After William tucked his children in..pausing for a moment at Carson's doorway, he returned to Henry way to exhausted to start an arguement.
William sighed and decided Henry could stay, also scowling at all the sugar his kids had recieved. He wasn't complaining though, because it seemed to be the reason his kids slept easily. Henry handed William the giant plush, William glared at him and lead him to the couch.

W: "You three can sleep here."

H: "There's no way we'd all be able to fit. Also this couch is uncomfortable for the kids and would give me back problems in the morning."

W: "Right, so after you steal my kids and keep them out late you expect proper hospitality?"

H: "Pretty much, and you're only looking at the downsides. did you see how happy they were? you need to take them out more often."

W: "You are so unbearable sometimes. I'll get the backup matress for Charlie, she can sleep with Liz. Micheal has a bunk bed for weird reasons I can't explain- so pretty sure he won't mind Sammy up there. and you can have the couch."

H: "Back pain. And if the kids are all sleeping together, why can't we?"

W: "Do you realize how wrong that sounds?"

H: "You know what I meant, come on William, We'll stay on seperate sides."

W: "..God, fine."

William had already cleaned himself up so Henry had access to the room's bathroom, William also left him some clothes.
When Henry emerged William had to do everything in his power to refrain from turning red.
The reason for this was because William's torso was a smidge smaller than Henry's, so it clinged to a strong outline of abs.
The reason Henry was more fit, was because William was mainly the designer for the animatronics and Henry was the one who assembled them. Of course they were capable of doing both jobs but it seemed more efficient if they had one task to do,
William did help out though and Henry did suggest and sketch design plans.

Anyway, Henry building most of the animatronics required muscle and that's why he was fit, but sometimes he worked out for the fun of it.

They both settled in the king sized bed and Henry easily fell asleep. William in the other hand, he couldn't find a way to relieve his tensity, after all he was in the same bed with his coworker and friend.
But maybe he was just being overdramatic.

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