Daddy issues

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A definition of a good father is someone who would sacrifice his joy, livelihood for his kids and protect their children at any cost.
The only person I needed protect was from my dad. He is weird. He is really sweet at times like I'm his princess and only love in the world. He is okay at times by scolding once or twice here and there. But he is a monster at times. This brings me back to my 5th standard annual day. The program was over and I had to go back home with my parents but then I kinda got lost which pissed him off because a 11 year old is not supposed get lost. Her parents don't have the responsibility to take care of that. I somehow managed to get to them. He joked around here and there. I thought we had a thing were we slightly bump each other's shoulder as to have fun. But he got furious I mean extremely furious. He held my ears and twist it. He whispered to me saying that "how dare you do that to me in front of so many people? Come home you will pay for this" Um, I- I was shivering head to toe. On the whole ride on the way home he kept telling how he would beat me. My mom tried to tell him not to but he lashed out on her too. We went home with my filled with tears just imagining what would happen. As soon as we enter our home he straight up went to the kitchen and took a roller came over and sat on the sofa. He told me to come near him but I tried, I mean I really tried asking him sorry multiple times, pleading him and my mom.  She tried to convince him but he didn't budge. I couldn't stand I was shivering that bad. He pulled me near him and started to beat.... me. I fell down cuz it hurt real and to just stand. At the end, itwas just me on the floor. I had to pick myself up go to my roon and tuck myself in. I didn't sleep much, more like didn't sleep at all. I kept thinking of the good moments we had which turned completely blank. How Can You Let your own 11year old daughter beg you for mercy? How can you beat YOUR 11 year old daughter to an extent she couldn't stand.
How COULD YOU do this to her? HOW COULD YOU? I thought this would be the last time but I couldn't be more wrong... Cuz at the end i was not the only me left on the floor it was also the skeleton of my love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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