Chapter 2: at the airport

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It was still raining when he got out of the taxi. "Damn it." He thought to himself. "Why do I have to forget my umbrella now of all times."He grabbed his bags and ran into the great hall. He stood there completely soaked. The black coat had gotten even tighter than it already was and when he walked,his shoes made unpleasant noises. So he took his suitcase and ran to the nearest toilet. There in one of the cabins he undressed completely again. He was cold and shaking all over. He reached for his penis which he could no longer feel. He hadn't brought any towels with him, so he had to go to the sink to stand under the
dryer. Like I said before, he wasn't ashamed when people saw him naked. So he took his things, turned the lock and stepped out of the cabin. It was still quite early, so the toilets weren't that busy yet. Most people at this time are sleeping on benches and using their jackets as pillows. "So no one should actually come in here," thought Blanc. He went to one of the dryers and began to dry himself. It was so good to get rid of that wretched pain from the cold. When he was dry he took his clothes and held them under the dryer as well. After he was done with that, he looked at himself in the mirror. The dark blond hair, which had previously been beautifully combed, now looked like a stork's nest. His cheeks were bright red and he could feel his penis again. He touched it slowly. His testicles were shaved and the foreskin pulled back. He slowly repeated the process of foreskin advance and foreskin retraction. He repeated this process over and over again, getting faster and faster. He leaned against a sink where he began to moan softly. His muscles tensed and he began to breathe and moan louder and louder. Suddenly he heard footsteps towards the men's room. He was startled and ran back into the toilet with his things. He wasn't ashamed, but what if word got around at the airport like. „Hey look! That guy stood completely naked at the sink in the men's room today and masturbated."That would be embarrassing. The door opened. An old man who relieved himself only briefly at the urinal. "He didn't even wash his hands," thought Blanc. When the man left the toilet again, Blanc turned back to his penis. The sound of the air conditioning was drowned out by moans and loud breathing. About 5 minutes later the white liquid ran down the wall. He looked at his penis and then got dressed again. Then he went back out of the toilet. The sky was still grey, but it had stopped raining. Now he was waiting for his flight. He hated flying. He feels uncomfortable being in such a small space with so many people. When his flight was finally called, he set off. He walked past the flight attendant who looked at him affectionately. He ignored it and walked past her without emotion. He got a scowl in the back, but he didn't care.  He got on the plane, took his seat and put on his Walkman. He always heard "Losing my Mind" when he was bored. After the plane took off, the flight attendant who gave him that nasty look at the beginning came up to him and said in a snooty voice, "I'm assuming you won't accept champagne from a woman." Blanc looked at her, puzzled, until he understood . "Oh sorry about that earlier madame, he said, I'm just not a woman's type. When he said this, the woman turned away from him with a disgusted look. "Great," he murmured, it's already a great start. After another 3 hours of flight without champagne, he unbuckled himself to go to the toilet. On the way there he met an old lady who he kindly let past, a muscular man with tattoos that says "keep calm" or "no one is like you and that's your power". When he finally got to the other end of the plane, he went to the bathroom. He could never really decide whether to pee standing or sitting. But he decided to sit down. Otherwise there would only be a mess. After he was done, he washed his hands and went back to his seat. He had found a magazine for knitting, which he now took a closer look at. One he particularly liked. It was an ear of corn. It is often used for blankets.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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