Chapter 3 ~ Lions vs Snakes

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Chapter 3- Lions vs Snakes
"Silence please!" Professor Sprout called as the Gryffindors and Slytherins piled into the greenhouse. Harry glanced over at the Gryffindors. The red haired one- Ron, was it? -gave Harry a dirty look while his friend looked away, an air of superiority about her.
He quickly made sure his wand was in his pocket before going over to stand between Draco and Aeron. They were handling some mandrake roots, which were screaming loudly. Draco cursed under his breath.
"They shouldn't make us do this, it's stupid." he scorned under his breath, holding his Mandrake at arms length.
Aeron glanced over at the head of the classroom. Professor Sprout had disappeared h, probably to get another plant pot for the one that had been dropped on the floor. She grinned at Draco and Harry.
"Uh oh." Harry breathed, knowing that this would mean trouble.
Aeron grabbed a Mandrake by the top. The whole room fell silent as they noticed her swinging it round, like she would while de-gnoming her garden. The whole room seemed tense, as if everyone were holding their breath. She let go. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. It landed on a head in the crowd. A certain red head that Draco, Harry and Aeron knew well.
Ron Weasley's face, his features contorted into a look of fear, had a mandrake firmly clutching onto it. It was struggling, yet trying to hold on at the same time.
At once, the girl stepped forward, wand out already.
"Hermione, no!" Ron yelled from beneath the Mandrake root.
Harry glanced sideways at his friends, who nodded at him and smirked. Pulling his wand out, he stared at Hermione evenly.
Aeron stepped forward and muttered a single word into his ear.
"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled
Hermione watched in shock as her wand flew out of her hand. Nobody was better than her.
Harry took a deep breath, glancing sideways at Aeron, who nodded at him, a challenging glint in her eyes
Hermione squealed as her legs started to move very, very fast. Ron had picked up Hermione's wand and, as Harry whipped his wand away, Professor Sprout walked in. She quickly walked over to Hermione and muttered a counter-curse. Her legs slowly started to slow down to a stop.
"Ronald Weasley!" she saw him with the wand in his hand and joined the dots together.
"Please, come with me." she was trying to stay calm as she beckoned Ron.
As Professor Sprout turned her back, Draco nodded at Harry, his eyes alight. Aeron crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Ron. In return, Ron gave her a dirty look.
As Professor Sprout left the greenhouse, nobody really knew what to do. Aeron flicked her wand at lone plant pots, muttering 'wingardium leviosa.' under her breath. Harry admired her in a way, and he was surprised she hadn't been put in Ravenclaw.
"We better get to our next lesson." Draco muttered, as most of the pupils started to file out silently, shocked by the events that had preceded. Nobody had really seen it; most were fussing over a few escaped Mandrake roots. The rest were Slytherins, and they weren't going to snitch on fellow house members. The Gryffindors that had seen it had been threatened by Crabbe and Goyle, who were Draco's other 'friends' but everyone knew that they were his henchmen.
"What is it next? Potions?" Aeron sighed, giving one last flick of her wand before putting it away.
Draco nodded. "It's with Professor Snape, he favours his own house." he said, smirking, as the three headed out.

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