Chapter Four - In Which the Twins are in Trouble

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By the time the sun was hidden behind the trees, and the lamp lighters were making their way around the city, there were nearly three more hours until dinnertime. Estelle, Lucian, and Rain sat together on a bench, snacking on kettle corn. Estelle loved the sweet taste of the kettle corn, which she was sure Rain could agree with. Lucian didn't seem to care one way or another, as he was busy admiring the sight of the ending festival. The last shopkeepers packed up their stands and gave out their stock for half off, trying to get rid of any extra baggage before their trip home. Poorer citizens, many who had traveled to Castle City for the festival, scrambled to buy what they wanted from the merchants, now that it was all far cheaper.

Estelle stood up, stretched her arms, and put her face mask back on. "We should head over to the castle," she said sleepily. She'd had enough of watching the poor folk, scrambling about like rats in a kitchen.

Lucian and Rain followed suit, standing up. Lucian also put on his mask, though he made sure to wipe his mouth first. "Can we introduce Rain to the maids?" Lucian signed, "There's enough time before dinner."

"I don't see why not," Estelle said, shrugging her shoulders, "Rain, would you like to meet our castle's maids?"

After being told what a maid was, Rain agreed to meet them. The three entered the castle, and had to drag Rain along so xe wouldn't gape at every single thing in the hallway. The twins were trying to get xem to the basement, where the maids stayed when they weren't working. As they walked, the familiar sound of heels clacking against the stone floor drew closer. It was far too late when the twins finally realized that the heels were their mother's.

Queen Samara was accompanied by her personal guard, Philomena, and her servant, Iselda. The twins had their own guard as well, but they always did their best to avoid him, so he learned to watch them from a distance. They wouldn't get personal servants unless they themselves were monarchs.

"Children," Samara said, looking down at them with a disturbed look on her face, "Who is this?"

Estelle hesitated for only a moment before she conjured up a sufficient lie, "This is Rain of Kaihasa, a nobleman who's visiting from Aikott. Their family is visiting the city for the festival, and Rain was hoping to get a brief tour of the castle. I'm sure you don't mind that, right? I am truly sorry I didn't ask beforehand." Estelle felt that, over the years, she'd become a decent liar. At the very least, she knew she was a better liar than Lucian. Whenever he was confronted, Lucian suddenly seemed to forget every word he'd ever learned, and his ability to sign would mysteriously vanish. He relied on Estelle to get them out of risky situations.

"In case you've forgotten, Estelle, we're not accepting any visitors from Kaihasa, and we haven't for years now." The Queen sounded disappointed in Estelle as she corrected her, as if she'd been expecting a more convincing lie. "Also, forest-beasts do not make proper noblemen, even in Aikott."

Estelle knew there was nothing she could say to convince her mother that Rain had come from Kaihasa, but she still tried to think something up. Before she had the chance to invent another lie, the queen said sternly, "Philomena, detain this stranger."

"Yes, Your Highness," Philomena said flatly, quick to follow the Queen's orders.

"No, stay away!" Estelle stepped in front of Rain, putting her arms out in defense. In that moment, she felt brave. And yet she also felt like a proper fool.

"Your Royal Highness, I believe it'll be easiest for us all if you calm down and back off," Philomena said, not bothering to disguise her annoyance.

"Rain, you need to go. Leave!" Estelle said, but Rain didn't budge. Xe seemed confused and overwhelmed by everything happening, and xe didn't even seem to hear Estelle. Lucian gave xem a nudge, trying to get xem to react properly. And yet xe did not.

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