Darren's Post 🌹

623 11 9


Caption: I'm looking a little pale 🥱.

Liked by Rynguy, Olimoy, Karata, Jusphan, Regmac, Sebmoy and 14,969 others.

Jusphan- ngl u do kinda look pale 😕.

Olimoy- have u eaten yet dar?

Nsbfanpage_12- is something wrong 🥺.

Karata- I mean...

Darlian replied to Olimoy- I'm good oli 👍🏻.

Regmac- bro looks like he's sick.

Sebmoy replied to Regmac- cmon reg let him be.

Darlian replied to Regmac- I'm not sick.


Darren's Pov:

Jesus I'm not sick.

I'm just probably a little under the weather, I mean I'm not sick, I just look like it but if anything I feel okay.

They need to seem worry, I mean I get that alot one another is looking after the other, but just alot has been happening already in 2023.


I know this is very short sorry to say.

I know you guys were probably expecting it to be long and entertaining.

But I also have alot to do at school with testing coming up and stuff, so yeah I won't be writing for a while.

I hope yall understand

Goodbye for now! ♥

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