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Chapter 201: Fang Ya Heads Back

After staying in the sanatorium for three days, Shao Xiang's eldest brother had not returned yet. Fang Ya decided to go home to check on the situation at home first.

After all, leaving home for a long time was not a solution.

Shao Xiang did not want to leave. She planned to help out in the sanatorium for a while.

Fang Ya did not try to dissuade her. She only left her cell phone behind and asked Shao Xiang to keep in touch with her at all times.

Shao Xiang agreed. She also told Fang Ya to be more careful when she brought Tang Tang home.

Before Fang Ya left, she left Shao Xiang the 20,000 yuan she had with her.

Shao Xiang looked at the money with some surprise and quickly said, "Don't! Take this money back and use it!"

"Mom! There's more where that came from. You can see what kind of aid you can give this place with this money!" Fang Ya pushed the money that Shao Xiang pushed back again.

Shao Xiang looked at the money and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Okay! Then consider it as me borrowing!"

"Okay!" Fang Ya did not refuse and only smiled gently.

As Shao Qiang and Shao Xiang saw them off, Fang Ya brought Tang Tang onto the return train.

Along the way, Tang Tang looked sorrowful.

Fang Ya knew that Tang Tang was sad because Shao Xiang had not gone home with them.

She patiently explained Shao Xiang's position and thoughts to Tang Tang, hoping that Tang Tang's young brain could understand Shao Xiang's situation.

Tang Tang listened to Fang Ya's words and thought for a while before saying, "Then, can't we let Grandma and Great-uncle come back with us?"

"Great-uncle has a home there. It won't be easy for him to follow us!" Fang Ya replied when she saw Tang Tang's confused expression.

"But great-uncle is also very unhappy there!" Tang Tang said with a frown.

"What makes you think he's unhappy?" Fang Ya asked curiously.

"That night, I saw great-uncle sitting in the yard, heavily hammering his legs and sighing." Tang Tang told the truth about what she saw.

"I think he must be very sad and angry!" Tang Tang said seriously.

Fang Ya nodded and gently pulled Tang Tang into her arms. "Great-uncle has his own things to be sad about. He doesn't want us to know, so let's not ask too much, okay?"

Tang Tang looked at Fang Ya with a half-understanding look, then nodded and said, "I won't ask too much!"

"But, is it really okay for Grandma to be there?" Tang Tang still said worriedly.

"Tang Tang, don't worry. I plan to go back and watch things closely. When everything is ready, we will go and bring Grandma back, okay?" Fang Ya looked at Tang Tang with a questioning look.

Tang Tang nodded heavily. "Okay! I'll listen to you! Mommy, you have to get ready quickly!"

Fang Ya gently held Tang Tang's head and leaned into her arms. "Tang Tang, don't worry!"

Fang Ya brought Tang Tang home and found the atmosphere in the house a little strange.

She watched Wang Xu picking vegetables in the yard, muttering something.

Mingxia was busy in the kitchen, glancing in Han Qiao's direction from time to time.

When the two of them saw Fang Ya coming back, they hurried over to welcome her.