~The First Day Of School~

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Kelly POV

I woke up knowing I didn't have a choice and had to go to school. I got ready and went down for breakfast. I quickly ate because school starts in a few minutes and I don't want to miss it for the juicy drama that will happen. 


There, I got out of the car kissing my mom goodbye. I walked to the entrance of the school and saw a few of my friends and some crusty dusty musty rusty kids. I quickly ran to my friends and greeted them with goof. The teacher at the entrance let us in and we were on our way to our homerooms.  We got our schedules and a map of the classrooms and buildings! I quickly traced lines from the homeroom to the other classes. *bell rings* I walked to my 1st period and saw a bunch of goofy kids. "Damn these kids look hella goofy" I thought to myself. I turned around and saw a good friend of mine from elementary. I talked to her for the rest of the period.

~2nd Period~

I looked for the science classroom. I got some help from a teacher and she showed me the way. I quickly speedwalked there because, 1. no running in the hall and 2. I don't want to be late. I entered the classroom and saw a beautiful girl with silky brown hair tied up in a ponytail, beautiful octagonal glasses and bright hazel siren eyes. I quickly sat down in my seat that had my name on it. I kept on looking at the pretty girl and kept on thinking of her. 


I couldn't get her off of my mind. What's her name? Do I have any other classes with her? I hope I do. I ate my lunch and still couldn't get my mind off of her..  

~TIME SKIP TO 8TH PERIOD~ (sry abt the timeskips lol)

Finally! The last period FACS! YESS I GET TO COOK AND EAT! I walked into the classroom and right there..I SAW THE PRETTY GIRL! I started jumping up and down really excited in my mind. I felt so happy!!! I ran and sat next to her before anyone else could. I waited for the teacher to start doing her teacher thing so that I can start a conversation with her once the teacher is done. The teacher said we needed partners and I immediately asked the pretty girl without hesitation! SHE SAID YES!"Anyways, what's your name?" I asked her. "My name is Raneem! What about you?" she replied. "Kelly!"I said back. We were having so much fun cooking together and eating! We made pizza! The teacher told us to clean up quickly because the bell was going to ring soon. I got sad knowing I won't be able to see Raneem until tomorrow..."Hey Kelly, here's my phone number." she randomly said. "Alright, i'll text you once school ends." I replied. EEEEEKKKKKK I GOT HER NUMBER AND I DIDN'T EVEN ASK!! This is the best day of my life! *bell rings* Everyone rushed out the door and so did me and Raneem. We said goodbye and I waited for my mom to pick me up. "You look really happy, got a cruuushhh?" My brother said teasingly.  I ignored him and looked out the window. We arrived home.

----------------------------------------------------End of EPISODE 1--------------------------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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