the last time they cried

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an hour ago, he was looking through old photos with his father in it. lloyd cries a lot because he thinks about sad things a lot.
zane doesn't cry, but he can feel sad emotions if he turns his emotion switch on.
3 weeks ago, he was doing a math problem and he couldn't solve it so he just started crying. kai rarely cries but he does out of anger.
2 weeks ago, she said was getting emotional because it was her time of the month. nya only cries on her time of the month and when something really makes her sad.
1 day ago, he tripped and fell outside on the concrete. jay is often emotional and cries but he also cries when he gets hurt.
4 days ago, he had a really bad stomach ache. cole doesn't really cry because he tries to hide his sadness so he can seem tougher but sometimes he can't help it and just breaks down and cries. he does try to hide himself when he cries though.

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