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"Us holding hands that would never happen" you say as trying to sound like it's the truth "I will let you off this time but If I see it again things won't look good" BSF/n says walking out the door
But they were gonna spy to see if you are hiding something from them "what just happened" Charlie asks "I don't know maybe we should go sit down in the kitchen before they he come back" you say as you get up "yea" Charlie says as he stands up ~on the kitchen~
"So what should we do now?" You ask Charlie "maybe finish what was going on before they came inside" Charlie says as he smiles a little "I guess we could" you say as you move the chair closer to him as he grabs your hand you hear your door open but you don't let go of his hand. You close your eyes and hope they don't see you like this you feel Charlie tap your shoulder and say "it's fine they don't know we are here" you open your eyes and it's only Charlie there "so while there not here there is something we could do right?"
You say looking around "yea we could continue before they come back and ruin something" Charlie says as he puts both of his hands on yours
You try to talk but out of shock you can't not stutter "I-I y-yea we can c-continue" you say as he moves closer to you. As Charlie holds your hand while both of you talk you get that feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you both were done talking and you both stand up you see your best friend standing there with another friend "o-oh um hi BSF/n" you say scared "I thought you guys were only hanging out" BSF/n says as they walk behind you and there friend walk behind Charlie "what are you guys doing?" You say "can you turn to each other real quick" BSF/n says you and Charlie turn towards each other and then within a blink you and Charlie were kissing because BSF/n and there friend pushed you together as you gain control of your body you pull away and yell at BSF/n for doing that "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT BSF/N?!?!" you say really mad " maybe you should have told the truth and said you weren't just hanging out" BSF/n says walking towards the door with there friend "I-i didn't mean to do th-that" you say as you back away from him "it's fine don't worry I can understand why you are embarrassed I was to when I had to prove I was telling the truth" Charlie says as he walks close to you until you hit the wall "ch-charlie what are y-you doing" you say while you are against the wall "can we just talk about something" Charlie asks as he backs away so you have space "I-I guess we c-could" you say as you move away from the wall "when we were at my house and when I said I liked you I was telling the truth" Charlie says as he moves closer to you and holds your hand "I-I was to scared to tell you that I liked you too" you say as you close your eyes and squeeze his hand tight.
"You know y/n" Charlie says as he moves more closer to you. "Y-yes" you say as you start to freeze "I liked you since first met you" Charlie says "I-I like you to ch-charlie" you say as you feel butterflies "well do you want to be my-" Charlie gets cut off by you "YES" You say as Charlie pulls you closer to him.

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