Hizashi comes home

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The Whole Aizawa family are at the Airport to welcome Hizashi home. Shota and Toshi where holding a Welcome home sign for Hizashi. Dabi,Tenko,Katsuki,Kiri,Shoto and Deku where excited even Nezu was there to welcome home his son-in-law. *When Hizashi arrived*... Hizashi said"Oh my. You guys"!! Hizashi ran to them,they group hugged him. Enji said"Welcome home Yamada". Toshinori said"Did you have a safe flight"? Hizashi said"I did. Ah,It's good to be home". At Home... Hizashi unpacked his bags and changed into a T-shirt and sweatpants,Shota was also in a T-Shirt and Sweatpants. Katsuki Said"Hey Izu,Let's go play with Kiri ok"? Deku Said"Okies Kacchan"! Kiri was in Deku's playroom on the hammock swing. Hizashi said"Kats,I need you"! Katsuki said"Ok Papa"! Katsuki went to his dad's bedroom. Shota said"Zashi... Pls no"... Hizashi said"Kitty". Katsuki aaid"It's time"? Hizashi said"Yes. Shota over the bed,Bare Bottom". Shota said"F*ck no"!! Katsuki said"Dad. 1,2"! Shota took off his pants and diaper,laying over the bed. Hizashi said"Kats,Restrain your dad". Katsuki nodded and got up on the bed,holding his father's wrist. Shota whimpered and said"Kitty"? Hizashi said"No Shota no kitty". Shota laid his head down,Hizashi took off his belt. *Whap*! Shota groaned and jerked forward. *Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap*!!! Shota cried and said"Zashi!! Ow,This hurts"!!!! Hizashi Said"Yes Shota,It's supposed to hurt. I told you to behave while I was gone but as always you never listen,When Kats informed me about your tantrums Shota I was shocked". *Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap,Whap*!!! Shota said"Zashi!! Pls SSSSTTTTOOOPPPPP"!!! Hizashi said"Do you think you learned you lesson Shota Damien Aizawa"? Shota sobbed and Said"Y-Y-Y-Yes,Zashi! I learnt my leseon"... Hizashi put his belt back on and rubbed Shota's back. Katsuki let go of his father,Shota got off the bed and rubbed his bottom,still crying. Hizashi said"The only time you don't get lotion is with the belt,Understand Baby"? Shota sniffled and Said"Y-Y-Y-Yes Sir". Katsuki went back to his boyfriend and baby brother. Hizashi helped Shota bring up his diaper and pants,Hizashi said"I'm sorry I had to whip you but Throwing Tantrums isn't ok. Especially when Katsuki was trying to help you Babe". Shota said"M'sowwy Zaza"!! Hizashi said"Little Already I see". Shota nodded and grabbed on of his stuffed kitties,Hizashi said"Let's dry those tears Babe". Shota wiped away his tears and laid his head on Hizashi's shoulder. Katsuki said"Deku,bedtime let's go". Deku said"No"... Katsuki said"Yes,Now c'mon Deku we have school tomorrow . Kiri I'll be there in a minute". Kiri said"Ok but we need to talk Babe". Katsuki said"Ok babe,I'll be there when I put Izu to bed". Deku tugged on Katsuki's shirt and said"Uwp pease Kacchan"? Katsuki picked him up and began to sing:"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your powers shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine". Deku yawned and fell asleep in Katsuki's arms. Katsuki kissed Deku's head then laid him down into his crib. Katsuki whispered "I love you Deku-kun". Katsuki went to his and Kiri's room. Kiri said"Another failed English test Kats"?!! Katsuki said"EJ,I can't be perfect in every class"!! Kiri said"Corner,Now". Katsuki said"Kiri,No"... Kiri said"Want the belt? If not get in the corner". Katsuki said"Fine". Katsuki stood in the corner. Kiri said"This is the 3rd English test you failed this week Katsuki. How times did I tell you to study"? Katsuki said"5 or 6 times but Kiri". Kiri sat on the bed and said"C'mere". Katsuki walked over to his boyfriend,his hands covering his bottom. Katsuki felt like Deku standing in front of Kiri. Kiri said"Over my lap". Katsuki laid over Kiri's lap,Kiri brought down Katsuki's pants. *Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack*!! Katsuki groaned and jerked forward,Kiri secured his legs so he can't kick. *Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack*! Kiri said"Kats,Why haven't you been studying"? *Smack*! Katsuki said"Oww,Babe". *Smack*! Kiri said"Answer me Katsuki Aizawa". Katsuki said"Because I didn't have time too"!! *Smack,Smack*! Kirishima said"I need a reason Katsuki"! Katsuki said"I don't have one love. I'm sorry". Kiri said"Let's take this babe". Kiri tired to take down Katsuki's underwear but Katsuki grabbed onto his undies and said"No baby,Pls not bare"!! Kiri used his quirk to harden his hand. *Smack*! Katsuki said"F*ck! Babe that hurts"!! *Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack*!!! Katsuki said"Baby pls! I get it"! Kiri said"Last 20. Be a good boy and count Baby". Katsuki said"But EJ"... Kiri said"Katsuki Daniel Bakago-Aizawa. Don't make me get the strap". Katsuki said"No! Kiri"... Kiri said"Then count your last 20 babe then we're done". Katsuki nodded. *Smack*! "One"! *Smack,Smack,Smack*!!! "Two,Three,four"!! *Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack*!! "Five,Six,Seven,Eight*!! *Smack*! "Nine*!! Kiri said"You're doing good baby". *Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack,Smack*! "Ten,Eleven,Twelve,Thirteen,Fourteen"! *Smack,Smack,Smack*!! "Fifteen,Sixteen,Seventeen"! *Smack,Smack,Smack*!! "Eighteen,Nineteen,Twenty"! Kiri stopped and said"Good boy Kats. Now 3 minute corner time". Katsuki whined and said"Noooo".... Kiri said"Katsuki". Katsuki got up and stood in the corner,still crying and whining. Kiri set the timer and said"When the timer goes off you can come outta the corner but if you move outta the corner before it goes off I'll give a whipping". Katsuki said"Y-Y-Yes Sir Kiri". Kiri said"Good,I'm gonna use the bathroom". Katsuki said"Ok love". *Timer goes off,but Katsuki didn't move* Kiri said"Love,The timer went off baby". Katsuki was sobbing,Kiri said"Oh Baby c'mere". Kiri picked him up and kissed his cheek. Kiri said"Lets get ready for bed then we can snuggled ok Baby"? Katsuki nodded.
The house was quiet,Everyone was asleep. Deku in his crib,Kats and Kiri in their room Snuggling and Hizashi was cuddling with Shota...

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