I'm Different.. Part 2 - Meeting him

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I GET PLUR.....'

Me and Ronnie were dancing like retards and singing really loud in her room, which of course is 10x cleaner and better then my piece of shit of a room that I share. Oh the advantages of being home alone. 

I grabbed a hairbrush and started singing solo while Ronnie laughed her ass off. Literally.

Ah, I'm just too hilarious.

I turned around and screamed seeing someone right there.

"OH SHIET!" I screamed very loud as I tripped into someone. Strong arms wrapped around me holding me from falling. I looked up seeing Alex. Oh my gosh! I forgot he was coming! I blushed a darker red then you could imagine

"Oh.. Hey" I said quietly hating my shyness. He chuckled. Damn was it ever sexy. What am I talking about? I just met him. How could he seem sexy already? Okay maybe now I'm just confusing myself. Maybe..

"Like what you see?" He grinned. I blushed. Of couse. I Didn't realize I was staring at him. I thought these things only happens in books?

"Oh..um..yeah..hi.. I mean I wasn't staring at you I just um...-"

He chuckled. Damn I got to work on talking to guys. Its a wonder why I don't have guy friends.. I moved away and sat beside Ronnie who I knew was gonna say something..

"Aww I knew you guys would hit it off!" She exclaimed. Did I call that or what? I blushed a darker red.

"Hey Ronnie." Alex said. 

"Hey." Ronnie said with a little wave.

Not realizing the music was still on, guess what song came on next? Of course in silence, to make it more weird.. Candyland. Most sexual song!

'.... Welcome to candyland, we'll spilt your ass in two! 

So take me by my hand. 

Lick it up, slide it down and satisfy my sweet tooth!'

"Oh shit.." I said turning off the music. It was quiet for a few seconds but then we all bursted out laughing.

"Is that what you girls listen to?" Alex asked.

"Yeah!" Ronnie said. I giggled.

"Hmm..... Don't tell me you girls were doing something before I came.." Alex said, winking. Damn you Alex. I just met you and I already know you are going to be annoying.

"WHAT? What.. what.. No im.. I'm straight!" I said facepalming and Ronnie laughing her ass off for the second time today. Alex chuckled. Damn is he ever sexy! Way hotter in real life then in pictures. Not saying he isn't hot in pictures, I mean damn if only I could look good in pictures. Or even real life. But I'm not going to think like that right now because when I'm with my friends, I act and feel way better and prettier then everyone else.. Not in the stuck up way, cause of course I'm not like that-

"Gosh Jayy you really zone-out alot." Alex said. I blushed, again. Of course..

"Shut up.." I asked looking down. I looked up with my eyes but not my hair and Alex was staring at me.

"What?" I asked lifting my head slowly.

"Nothing." He said looking away. I think he was blushing a bit. I couldn't tell, but he looked cute. I smiled a little. I looked over to Ronnie who looked a bit hurt. Why..? I don't know. But her expression changed blank when she noticed I was looking at her.

"Hey do you guys want to go out for smoothies or something?" Ronnie asked. 

Oh she knows I love smoothies..

"Oh yeah, sure." Alex said while grinning, " Still know they're my favourite?" Or not.. Maybe for Alex. Oh well, who knows how long they haven't hung out for.. Months...?

"Haha, yeah. Yesterday when we went you told me you loved them!" Ronnie said. Wrong. Again. I guess it was yesterday. When she said she couldn't hang out because of homework. Hm. Weird, but I don't blame her. He is freaking cute.

"Kay! Lets go then. I have money so you don't have to pay for me." I said to both of them squeezing between them as we were talking to the front door.

"For once." Ronnie said and I just rolled my eyes. 

"Come on, you ask if you can pay for me."

"True.." And we both giggled.

"Tehe!" Alex said, I think he was trying to imitate us giggling, but he did horrible causing me and Ronnie to laugh more.

I put on my pink converse that match my short pink shorts and the writing on my BOTDF tank top. I fluffed my hair and then we left.

While walking it was a fun, short, hilarious time to get closer to Alex cause although I just really met him, I think I really like him.


This is chapter 2! It's longer then chapter one. I have realized I like putting what they say more then what they think. Jayy which is a picture of me because I am really the main character, is going to be as the side. If you are reading this on march 4-5 it's not going to be up xD 

I know I probably only have 2 readers which are my best friends, if you are someone I don't know, comment and I will follow you!

Thanks xx

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