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Marrying Mr. Scrooge

"Kill an Asshole"


ALLEN woke up a little late and it is not normal. He heard a commotion outside the room he was staying in. He quickly got up, and checked the mini monitor next to the hidden door. He was wishing hard that it wouldn't be Albert. He did not need to know this secret room.

He was able to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the familiar figure. He smiled and just shook his head. It was Joe.

He shrugged his shoulders and went to his small bathroom to do his morning rituals. When he got done, he quickly, but meticulously, changed his clothes. All his stuff was lined up well and is to the tee, not a centimeter off its place.

Before he left the room he checked the panel by the door. He's making sure the familiar man is still there. He smiled when he saw Joe pacing back and forth, busy with whatever he was doing, and was so calm while doing everything.

He felt a knot in his stomach when he saw the date on the mini monitor. Today is the schedule for the dreaded finance meeting that doesn't need to take place but Albert insisted. He did not like it all but he had no choice but to attend. His almighty feeling of a brother pulled an ace card in the name of Windsor Porter, their father.

"Morning." He flatly greeted Joe, with no excitement at all. The man turned to him with a ready smile. Always.

"Morning to you, too," Joe replied, still smiling... teasing him?

"What's with the smile, Kuya Joe?" He asked. Whenever they are alone, away from prying eyes and nosey ears, he calls Joe Kuya but never Ate to Via. Well, he doesn't have the will to call her that because she scares him.

"Nothing." Joe's short response, shaking his head but still smiling... more like smirking. He just wanted to erase the smirk off of the man's face but can't. Joe is the only trusted person in the office.

"Then erase that off your face." He snarled at him. Joe just laughed. Allen stopped what he was doing and stared at the elder man.

Joe was still smiling and whistling this time, fixing a few folders, printing a few reports, and checking his list against what was ready and not.

"What are you doing?" He finally asked, curious, although he knows what Joe is doing "You never run out of smiles, do you?" Joe smiled more, ear to ear, teeth and all. He stood straight and looked at the man, sizing him up.

"It's creeping me out." He added. Joe laughed heartily.

"Smiling makes me feel young and energetic. And if you do the same, maybe, just maybe, all this will go away and everything will all be easy flowing." Joe replied, doing a slow Tai Chi movement.

He arched his brow looking at what Joe was doing. He shook his head again and opened up his laptop. He is running a little late and there's no time for chit-chat.

"Where's the Min Ho proposal?" He asked, going through each folder next to his laptop.

"Here." Joe handed him a black ribbed bright yellow plastic folder. His brow arched to see this bright color thing that Joe handed him.

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