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Drake's P.O.V

"What the fuck...?"

As me and Mike pull into the attraction parking lot, all we see are cop cars and an ambulance and policeman having seemingly serious conversations among each other. The entrance of the attraction was closed off with police tape.

"What happened here?" Mike asks quietly.  I get out of the car and walk toward the manager, who was talking to one of the cops.

"I- I don't know what happened. I just came to open up the place and, next thing I know, I just found him laying there." He stammers.

"Do you know who the attacker could be?" The cop asks. I walked up to him.

"What's going on? What's with all the cops?" I ask. The cop turns to me.

"This morning, one of the workers was found bleeding out on the floor with severe injuries to the ribs, limbs and a fractured skull. He had to be taken to the ER immediately."

My eyes widen in shock.

"I'm sorry, WHAT!?"

"Who's in the ER? What happened?" Mike asks concerned.

"A night time employee by the name of, Raiden Mills." The cop answers. Mike and I turn to each other, horror written all over our faces.


"He was the one doing the final check last night..." I mutter. I notice a faint purple glow coming form my eye.

"Shit, not now!" I mutter to myself. A sharp pain then beats at my head, like a needle being shit through my brain. I hold the sides of my bead and quickly cover my eye.

Imaged then start flashing in my mind. Images of a figure in the pizzeria, then someone laying on the floor, then purple light flickering form a dark spot, then blood pooling on the floor. I drop to my knees, screaming out in pain.

"Drake? DRAKE!"

The pain starts to fade away. I open my eyes wide, the purple glow shining brighter than ever before fading. I blink a few times before turning to Mike, who stares back at me with a scared-half-to-death expression on his face.

"Uh, you okay, kid?" The cop asks, reaching a hand out to me.

"I'm fine. Just a...migraine. They're spontaneous, been living with it for years." I lie. The cop looks at me with a skeptical, but convinced look.

"Okay, well, I suggest that you two boys drive home. Until we have a lead on this case, this attraction is off limits to all guests and employees." The cop says.

"And try to keep it discreet, alright? Don't want a repeat of the previous Freddy Fazbear's." The manager says quietly. Me and Mike nod before going to our car.

"Hey, Drake, are you okay?" Mike asks me. I open the car door and climb in the driver's seat. Mike climbs in the passenger seat a second later.

"Mike... I saw something... someone in he pizzeria. Images of, something that happened in the attraction. It felt so...vivid, so...unreal. But at the same time..."

"Drake, what are you saying?"

"...I think..." I trail off. Mike takes my hand and squeezes it gently. I let out a shaky breath, my body still trembling.

"I saw Raiden getting attacked..."


I'll be honest, when u started this chapter I had no fucking clue what it would be about until about half an hour later, and I think it came out pretty good. And yes, I know it's shorter, but it's better than spending a week trying to come up with something. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one.

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