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You hated social interaction with strangers, whether it be up close and personal or through a screen. You just hated the idea of talking to strangers, thats why it made total sense for you to choose just about one of the only jobs that required you to talk to millions of people. It also made perfect sense that your friend, Karl would ask you to come star in his new episode of 'Tales of The SMP.'

You were extremely nervous, not only because you never spoken to any of these people prior. But also because so much more people were going to be watching.

You and Karl were only semi-vocal about your friendship, the occasional reply to a tweet or a mention of each other but not something fans would catch on to, unless they were psycho-analyzing just about everything.

The episodes theme was set in the 50s at a farm where a party was also being hosted. So you changed your Minecraft skin to the one you'd made the night of and hopped into the server. You then also hopped into the voice call, muting yourself.

You spawned inside the actual home part of the farm and texted Karl that you were ready.

M/N . 4:17PM
Hey I have got everything ready so just text me when :o)

Karl . 4:19PM

I am getting the stream ready and stuff but everything should be ready very soon <3

You smiled at Karl's messages, you could never be mad at him. You put on your best Southern accent as you found it to be funny and appropriate for the farm setting. Soon, more people began to find their way into the server and joined the call, you all talked for a brief amount of time. You didn't talk too much though, mostly just waited on Karl. Soon you saw Karl join the server and heard his voice on the call.

"Hello?" He called out as he walked to the house and pretend to knock. You basically had your character run to the door. "Why hello there!" You said, you smiled a bit as you heard Karl snort at your dumb accent. "Uh, hi! Where am I?" "Why you are at Therese Orchards! Why don't you come in! We're having a little get together and the more than merrier!"

"Well alright!" He walked in. "Let me introduce you to everyone!" You walked him over to a random person, whose avatar looked like a bald redneck. "ARE YOU HITTING ON MY WIFE." He immediately yelled at Karl as we walked over. "Erm, this is my husband Erec Shin." "Oh."

He continued yelling as you walked him over to many others and they introduced themselves. After everybody was introduced you had all taken them outside to see some of the tree's, as you did a boy suddenly jumped out of one with an axe and landed directly on 'Daniel', or Punz. He hit him several times before Daniel beat him off. "Oh I am so sorry, thats my nephew Nickolas." Nickolas hissed. "He is a little wild." you said, almost like it was nothing.

"PISS OFF." Screamed Nickolas. "Erm, he is going through his teen phases." "Wow! For how Southern you are your nephew sounds very British." Daniel remarked, both you and Nickolas looked at each other before Nickolas beat Daniel to death with the axe. No one made any comment about it and we continued to go around the farm.

Next we made our way to the cows. "This here is Betsy, she produces the best milk." Nickolas, then proceeded to murder Betsy with the axe. you ooked at his username and made a mental note that you and Tommyinnit were enemies. "Well, lets hope she tastes as good as her milk did." Was all you said. "Maybe someone should take away that..." Karl muttered. Nickolas swung at him and missed, you hit him.

"Nonsense, he is just being a teen." you said. "THIS IS WHY WE ARE BANKRUPT." Yelled Erec Shin. you hit him too.

"Alright the next thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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