5. I hate two-faced dogs

21 4 0

Pov Bayleigh

I wake up to the sound of the bus driver yelling at me to get off.

I quickly grab my bags and run out of there before he actually kills me.

I'm in the middle of nowhere next to an old, abandoned bus station alongside a small road that is surrounded by a seemingly never-ending forest. It's foggy and starting to get dark.

The panic inside of me slowly starts rising. I wouldn't say I am scared of the dark.... but it is kind of scary.

The woman said her son would come to pick me up.

I just hope that will be soon.

All types of sounds are escaping from the woods. Something rattling in the bushes. Things cracking. Wind blowing through trees.

My super hearing is not helping me calm down. I don't want to know which type of animal would jump out to kill me first.

Google said there were many reports of people spotting wolves in this area. Ok, that did make sense, since I was now heading to pack territory, but still.

What if rouges come and attack me? Or a neighboring evil pack! I would be an easy target since I am not familiar with these woods at all.

Ok, I might have been lying to you a little bit. Maybe I am a little very scared of the dark.

With the minutes passing I am able to see less and less of my surroundings and more and more of the panic builds up.

Luckily soon enough I hear a car approaching from afar.

Slowly but surely a white vehicle comes into view. It then finally comes to a stop in front of me.

Now I just have to hope this isn't a random evil kidnapper.

I am still blinded by the headlights of the car, so it is hard for me to make out anything.

"Hey, are you... Bayleigh?" a voice asks. It was somewhat familiar to me.

"Yeah," I reply and open the door. After a couple of seconds, my eyes finally adjust and I see the mysterious person for the first time.

My heart dropped.



He is damn good-looking.

He has blond hair and green eyes, a defined jawline, and the tight black shirt really left no room for imagination. Like he doesn't even try to hide how strong of a six-pack and muscle definition he has. It should be a crime to look that good.

He reminded me of one of these supermodels you would see on the covers of magazines. But he was here. In real life. Just staring at me and smiling.

"OH, YOU MUST BE THE ALPHA" I then remember. I am overwhelmed because this is my first time meeting one and I don't really know how you are supposed to act. Especially when this one is said to be one of the strongest.

And here I was standing there in my hoodie and ripped jeans with a big fat ketchup stain that never got out, holding onto my bags, panicking.

What happens next, I do not want to take accountability for.

Stupid me decides to let my bags fall to the ground and kneel down.

"It is an honor for me to meet you, Alpha of the Shadow blood pack and I am really grateful for you allowing me to be part of your mighty pack. I am not considered to be one of the strongest or smartest, but I swear to always be loyal and faithful to you. And... and..." I have got no idea what to say "May the moon goddess lead your beauty into great victory. UHM, I MEANT US! Wait, NO NOT LIKE THERE IS A US, just like us as the pack. Now that I am part of it! BUT NOT LIKE I SEE MYSELF EQUAL WITH YOU NO! YOU'RE THE TRUE AND ONLY LEADER AND-"

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