A Son's Path.

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A gate appeared in an alley as Atreus, Sinon, and Sindri came out of it.

Atreus: Where are we?

Sindri: Come on, follow me.

Atreus and Sinon follow Sindri out of the alley and he saw they were in a factory-like city.

Sinon: We're in Leprechaun territory.

Atreus: This is the capital?

Sindri: Correct.

Atreus: Man, I wish I was here during the day. To see how it looks with a lot of blacksmiths around.

Sindri: Are you trying to replace us?

Atreus: That's not what I meant.

Sindri: I was just kidding.

Atreus: Oh. Anyways, which way from here?

Sindri: We're going East.

They then started flying east.

Sinon: Couldn't we use a Mystic Gateway to get there?

Sindri: I've never been there myself, so I have no way of having a gate there.

After some time of flying, they were now in an area with various geisers around and Sindri called them.

Sindri: You see that cave there? That's where we're headed.

Atreus: Alright. Then, let's go.

They then descended and entered the cave.

Atreus: So, this Lady... The Lady of the Forge, was it?

Sindri: Yeah, the Lady of the Forge.

Sinon: Lady of the Forge? What's that?

Sindri: Well, she is supposed to create the best weapons there is with the proper materials. Many Leprechauns have tried it, but they all tell that The Lady wasn't satisfied with what they brought her and the result of the weapon wasn't great. But with this ring, I'm sure we'll get something.

Atreus: Huh.

Sindri: By the way, why not tell your father about it? I'm sure we could get there a lot easier with his help.

Atreus: I already told you. I want it to be a surprise. Besides, I'm sure we can handle any danger.

Just as he said that five Draugr appeared from the ground.

Sindri: Well, here's your chance to handle it.

Atreus: Of course.

He said as he took his bow and Sinon did the same and the Draugr charged at them.

Atreus fired an arrow to one of them in the head, before running at them and dodged one of their attacks before attacking it with the bow before kicking it and Sinon fired an arrow at it and killed it

A Draurg then tried to attack Sinon as she dodged the attack before jumping on top of it and kicked it to the ground before firing multiple arrows at it in the air before it died.

Another Draurg tried to attack Atreus before he placed his hand in front of him and a yellow magical barrier appeared in front of him as it blocked the attack

Atreus: Falki liõ!

He chanted as his hand glowed and multiple green falcons attacked the Draugr.

When the falcons' attacked stop, Atreus aimed his bow to the sky.

Atreus: Orva drif!

He then fired the arrow as a volley of arrows fell on the rest of the Draurg before killing them.

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