1.Being one of the grid parents

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Being  one of the grid parents
Seb added Lewis and 5 others

Seb:Hello guys!
Fernando:Hi Sebastian
Lewis:Hi  Seb
Nico:Hey Seb
Valtteri:Hey Seb
Checo:Hey Seb
Kevin:Hello Seb!
Seb:Hey guys
Kevin:We miss you already
Fernando:Yeah we miss you
Lewis:The kids are missing you
the most though!
Val:Yeah they do!
Seb:I'm Sure they do
Seb:I miss you guys too
Kevin:Why did you leave then?
Seb:It's okay Nico i understand why
he asks this
Fernando:You do?
Lewis:You do?
Nico:You do?
Valtteri:You do?
Checo:You do?
Kevin:You do?
Seb:Of course i do
Seb:I mean now that i'm gone
Seb:someone else has to take over
the role as Grid dad for me
Kevin:You mean Grid mom?
Valtteri:Kimi was the grid dad but when he left you were the one to take all the responsibility
Seb:Yeah whatever you guys want
Seb:But like i said somebody else has
to take over that Role
Fernando:Somebody else?
Seb:Yes somebody else you for example
Seb:Yes or all of you'
Checo:Or all of us?
Seb:Yes but the best option is two
new grid parent's
Valtteri:Do you have any idea how much it takes to watch over 14 kids?
Seb:Yes,Yes i do i did it for years!
Kevin:Okay that's true but still
Kevin:You have more experience with being a "grid parent" compared to us
Checo:Thats true!
Valtteri:I agree
Lewis:I agree aswell
Fernando:Yeah Seb it was always
you and Kimi being the grid parents
Lewis:Exactly,we were just
there to watch it all happen
Seb:Well,I know Thats why i
made this group!
Seb:So i could tell you guys the things you have to know!
Fernando:Oh that makes sense
Kevin:So you will tell us everything?
Nico:And learn us everything!
Seb:Yes i will!
Checo:Alright then
Fernando:Lets do it
Seb:Okay Then
Seb:So there are a few things that
you guys need to know!
Seb:those following things are:

Seb:Number 1
Every kid on the grid needs a parent or something close to a parent so they can talk to them when they need someone who will listen or talk to them when needed.

Seb:Number 2

Some young drivers better known as
the "young kids" will do everything to test your limits
>When this happens it is really important for you guys to show them who the real boss is and who they should listen to

Seb:Number 3

There are a lot of kids that are struggling with there feelings and insecurities,some of them don't know how to handle those feelings and/or insecurities
>So when you notice one of those kids
(take for example Lando)become very quiet or fidgety make sure to tell them that if they need someone to talk to you always will be there for them.

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