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Please note this is the third book in a series I've written/writing. Yeah, I know what you're gonna say 'how can you write the third one when you haven't written the second one?' simple. I'm simply doing it because I can. And also, not all the books in this series are in Dawn's perspective, just in the same 'world' therefore I can write whatever book number I want. So hoped you enjoyed that lovely explanation non-existent readers (jokes, at least one person must have read this.....I hope), now enjoy the book!  

*please also note that, as usual this is unedited....sorry 'bout that.....if you can spot any errors please let me know.


I ran. Screams echoed around me, blood was splattered, and lives were lost. But still I ran. I ran because that's the last thing mommy told me to do before she died. 

"Run," she whispered, clutching my hand. Then her eyes went dull. Eyes that once smiled down at me as I hid in her skirt from my brother. Eyes that were once so full of life. Dead.

I don't know how I made it to the forest; the fight was going on all around me. Rogues and pack members alike were swiping at anything that moved. But still I made it to the forest. Alive.

As soon as I reached the first tree, I shifted. I wasn't a very big wolf - just a pup - and I could probably protect myself better in human form than in wolf, but my instincts got the better of me. When our kind are threatened, angry, scared etc., we shift. Can't help it. So now I was a wolf, stumbling through the undergrowth, looking for somewhere safe to hide.


I froze. Someone had found me.


They were coming closer.


I couldn't move; my wolf and human fighting for control. I shut my eyes, trying to get my feet to move so I could run.


I opened my eyes warily, still waiting for the death blow, that for some reason hadn't been made.

There, in front of me was a pack. Alphas, Betas and Omegas alike, just standing there, staring curiously. But they smelt wrong; I was used to the underlying scent of human, the distinctive scent that mixed with wolf. These were different. There was no human. Just wolf.

Cautiously I reached out with my mind, trying to talk to them like I did with my pack mates. I wanted to know why they smelt weird.

Hello? um...greetings? I stammered out across the bond, trying to remember how my daddy talked to other packs.

Greet met. Pup. Hurt. Pup need help?

Yes. I answered gratefully.

Pup need help.

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