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I jumped awake from a nightmare and sighed rubbing my eyes, my phone was buzzing. I reached for it and saw a facetime. "What do you want?" I yawned.

"Good morning to you too." My eyes shot open and I saw Florance on my screen looking stunning.

"I am so sorry... I forgot I gave you my number I expected it to be Jade."

"No worries." She laughed.

"What are you up to?" I asked, laying the phone down, trying to fix my hair.

"Nothing currently, I'm sorry that I woke you."

"Don't be, you woke me from a nightmare," I admitted, and she smiled at the same lightly.

"I'm sorry you were having a bad dream."

"Thanks but I've grown used to them." I sighed.

"Did you want a coffee by any chance?" She asked, and I smiled at the screen.

"I always want coffee."

"I can bring you one... or you can meet at Starbucks."

"Send me the address?" She nodded. "Ok. See you shortly?" I nodded with a smile. She ended the call and my phone buzzed. '21 West End Ave, New York, NY 10023, United States' I clicked the link and it was only 15 minutes away. I got a uber there and when I stepped out I instantly noticed the most beautiful blue eyes in New
York. She smiled wide as I approached.

"Hey." She breathed.

"Hey." I replied. I realized how chilly the wind was as I shivered.

"Let's go inside." She opened the door for me and I went in, she followed and we went towards the cash. "Do you know what you're getting?"

"Starbucks stresses me out, I'll have whatever you're having- except if you have milk I'll have almond."

"I'm vegan." She said.

"Me too." I smiled. She ordered two large drinks that were nearly black on the bottom with a splash of almond milk on top. "I could have paid but thanks."

"It wouldn't be very nice if I let you pay for your own drink on our first date."

"So this is a date?" I questioned and she smiled down at me.

"Yes, this is a date- unless you don't want it to be?"

"If I'd known this was a date I would have dressed up a little."

"Well, it isn't your fault I didn't know it was a date until you showed up." She pulled out a chair for me and I sat down.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't know if you were actually going to show up and when you did it hit me that I wanna try... something."

"Try something?" I asked.

"I've never been a big dater honestly but I'm also only young so-" she shrugged. "I'm here for eleven more months so I'll try something new." She shrugged again and I noticed her eye twitch slightly.

"What part of this is new?" I laughed lightly. "Dating, dating in the big apple, or dating a girl?"

"Uh... yes." She nodded with a smile.

"All of the above?" She nodded again and I smiled.

"Well, regardless I'm honored to be taken out at least once by someone as beautiful as you." Her cheeks went red. "How old are you?" I asked. "Probably should have asked you sooner, I'm sorry."

"I just turned 20."

"Oh." I nodded.

"How old are you?"

"26." She nodded.

"The last person I dated was 28 so it's ok." I contemplated asking her how long ago that was but I don't want to be that girl.

"The last person I dated was... 24-ish."

"Chicago?" She asked and I grinned that she didn't ask a name.

"Yea... Chicago."

"So you like them young."

"Younger than me yes." I laughed.

"How convenient." She said and I just looked at her as I sipped the drink.

"Wow." I mumbled. "That is..."


"As my friend would say that'd knock up a nun." I looked up at her as she sipped hers while laughing.

"You get used to it."

"Why would you want to?" I asked drinking more.

"Because being awake is important."

"I would be awake alright- for three months if I drank that much."

"You're adorable." She said making me forget she's so much younger than I am.

"I'm not." I pulled my shoulders back and looked across at her face.

"You are, when I worked in Maine I'd be at work from 5 Am to 11 Pm too many times for the first year of cooking I needed to be alive somehow."

"5 to 11? That isn't legal."

"Neither is working at 13."

"13..." she shrugged and I leaned forward on my elbows.

"Well, I needed money."

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

"Don't be, because I managed to end up in New York having a coffee with a very... pretty woman." She always stared at me like we were in a movie, her whole heart is in every conversation and when you speak she hears you... I'm crazy it's our first date and she already has me invested.

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