Chp.7:Walking in halls of the Volturi Castle

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Michael pov

"Jane" edward said while bowing a little. "aro sents me what's taking so long" Jane said coldly, but when she looked at me and bella, knowing we are insparable, her eyes soft and asked "who are u two," "hi I'm bella and this is mike," bella said shyly while hiding her face in the chest verly cute, since she is with me she be her real self, then everyone looked at bella in awed but had to keep going. Jane then said" we must get going so pls follow the three of us bella and mik-Michael," "you can call me mike if u like I don't mind," when I said that she looked at me shocked and smile. She then turned and we followed behind while having bells in my arms.

Bella whispered to me and said"she is very pretty brother, why do I feel like she is a sister to me?" I answered back "I don't know bells but I'm sure we will find out and yes she is very pretty just like u and both of u are very different than any girls I would ask to have as a sister as very kind as u and her." When I said that I kissed her temple and she giggled so cutely. While we were on our way to the elevator it was very awkward we stayed quiet.: 

Bella Pov

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Bella Pov

When we walked out of the elevator I looked at the secretary greeting us but everyone ignored her and me and mike waved at her while smiling sadly at her. We know when we see a human working for vampires is when they are turned or drained. We make our way to the throne room. The man in the middle aro stand and said "Ah bella is alive after all, oh how much I love happy endings," when he said i was alive after all I heard saddness but quickly went to a childish like voice I find creepy but very adorable. 

As we stopped in the middle at boy who was beside cauis said"sister they said you brought 2 and 2 halves," I then stated getting everyone's attention when he said that by laughing into Mike. "pft, hahahah," "I'm sorry but 2 and 2 halves make a whole, but that was very adorable and again sorry," I said embaressed. Then everyone was awed on how I laughed and what I said and mike whispered "that was very smart and cute at the sametime sister u should show it from now on," I looked at him shocked and said "but baba if I do that people would tried to use me again and do something to me again," when I said that we forgot we were heard and seen, that everyone was shocked and angried and wanting to know what happened.

But they kept a straight face that it hurted me and mike. Because we feel a very strange bond with everyone in the room. I was alomst on the verge of crying, but stopped when the boy next to jane, said womething shocked while looking at me and I looked at "Mate"

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