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Ezra's P.O.V.

"Could use some help getting those TIES off our backs!!" I heard Hera yell as we flew towards the prison convoy. Kanen was on the top turret but these guys were getting better. They kept dodging our fire. I ran to the back turret locking on to the TIES behind us. I shot hitting one which caused a chain reaction blowing up all three at once.

"That's three less TIES to worry about!" I called over the comm.

"There's no need to show off!" I heard Sabine call back. I smirked.

"I've got the target in sight!" Hera yelled. I looked to the left and saw the prison ship complete with cannons. Great. As if this mission wasn't already hard. 

"Hera we need to jam their comms!!" Kanen yelled from the top gun.

"Roger. Chopper get to it!" Hera ordered and I heard the confirming beep of Chopper. I hoped off and met Kanen in the corridor.

"Ready kid?" Kanen smirked. I replied by putting on my helmet and clicking down the visor. 

"So how exactly are we getting in?" I asked as we started to head down for a landing.  Kanen didn't answer studying his lightsaber.

"You do have a plan right?" I clicked the visor up again as Kanen sighed "Well...uh.."

"Oh great. You don't have a plan?! You always have a plan!"

"Kid I have a plan alright?! Just follow my lead and don't get shot!" Kanen yelled as we landed. As the door opened we were met by three Stormtroopers. "So how about that plan?" I asked sarcastically. Kanen just grunted and took out his blaster quickly stunning the three troopers and he leapt out with me following behind.

Kanen paused "I sense the prisoner's close. But...no it's not possible..."

"What?" I asked feeling slightly nervous. Kanen's look was a cross between confusion and...maybe..a small glimmer of hopefulness

"Kid if this is who I think this is....we gotta hurry"

Kanen ran ahead with me racing to catch up.

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