Family problems

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A mum- is going to be Amara mum
It's the next day and Amara gets a call off her mum bare in mind her mum and Amara and Georgia don't have a good relationship Amara answers it and her mum is drunk
Amara- hello,what do u want
A mum- hello sweetheart, how are you
Amara- don't you dare sweetheart me *trying to keep quiet*
A mum- come on Amara don't be like that I helped you with everything
Amara- no mum you never helped me with anything dad does not you dad helped me and Georgia get into football you tried to pull us out so don't start you only ring us if u want something
Leah wakes up but pretends she's still asleep
Amara- leave me,Georgia n dad alone and don't call any of us again
Amara ends the call and starts crying and Leah hugs Amara
Leah- what happened darling *half asleep*
Amara- it was my mum she only calls us if she wants something
Leah- it's ok I promise
Beth-is everything ok
Amara- it will be
Leah- anyways beth we have something to tell you
Beth- go one then
Leah- we are dating
Beth- aw I'm so happy for you me,you too and viv should go one double date
Amara- omg I have always wanted to do a double date
Leah- for sure but we should get ready and go training
Beth leaves and Amara goes and gets her training kit on and Leah goes to her room. Once they are all ready they all head to the training ground and by the way Georgia is with her best friend then she will move to Beth,Leah and Amara's house they got to training.As they got to the training ground the girls see Georgia and go up to her
Georgia- hey girls
All- hey g
Georgia- lets head in
Amara- wait Georgia can I please speak to you
Georgia- yeah of course you can what's up
Amara- um mum rang me before and she was drunk as per usual
Georgia- yh she rang me n dad as well
Amara- I actually hate her ik she our mum but I do I'm actually done with her
Georgia- ik but let's go and train to get your mind off it
Amara and Georgia catch up with Beth and Leah and they all head to the pitch.
After training
Leah- you ok babe about what happened this morning
Amara- yh im better now
Leah- that's good to hear anyway let's get home
Amara- ok
428 words ik I'm so sorry I haven't posted but I'm going to be putting loads out over the next couple of days to make up for it as I made this one short because I didn't really know what to put for this chapter xoxo

Leah Williamson and Amara Stanway Where stories live. Discover now