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The Death Of Miranda Starling

Miranda giggled, throwing her arms around her best friend

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Miranda giggled, throwing her arms around her best friend. "You're such a dork!"

Stiles blushed with a grin, his arms going around the girl he was in love with.

He loved everything about her. Her auburn hair and her blue eyes. Her contagious laugh and smile. Her sarcastic and happy personality.

He loved her the moment they met in first grade. To him it was love at first sight. Everyone knew besides the girl herself.

"So... are you and Sky coming over later? Scott and I were planning on staying up all night playing call of duty." Stiles asked. "It's the last day before freshman year, our first day of high school. You excited?"

Miranda shrugged. "I guess. I'm just surprised I made it to freshman year. And I wish we could go play some call of duty, but... my parents are taking us to something for the last day of our freedom."

Stiles frowned. "Oh."

Miranda felt bad for not being able to hang with the Stilinski boy so she nudged him with a grin. "But... I promise I'll make time to hang with you after school. I'm sure the day will go by way to fast and then we can play games or we can watch Star Wars, your favorite."

Stiles beamed. He loved Star Wars and he knew the girl wasn't really a fan but she watched it just for him. And he loved her even more for it.

The Starling girl sighed. "Well, thanks for walking me home. But I promise, we'll hang tomorrow."

"I'll keep you to that promise." Stiles gave her a look to make himself look more serious.

Miranda laughed, giving the boy a wave. "See ya, Sti. Love you."

The girl walked inside leaving the boy with red cheeks.

Her twin sister stood on the other side, scaring the girl. "You are so cruel, Mira."

Miranda furrowed her brows. "Why?"

"You know Stiles loves you more than anything, so how do you think he feels when you throw that word at him when you don't even mean it like that?" Skylar scowled. "It's so unnecessary."

Miranda rolled her eyes. "I still love him."

"But not like that." Skylar rolled her eyes. "You're such a bitch."

Miranda flinched as the girl stormed away. What was her problem?

She loved Stiles. She wasn't sure if it was just a friend or if it meant more. But she knew she didn't want to risk their friendship. She needed Stiles. She couldn't think of a life without him.

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