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A/N: this is a long ass chapter, besties. take your time.


"Shouldn't we plan what we're going to do once we are in the manor?" Draco was the first to speak, breaking the uncomfortable silence at the table. Everyone had remained quiet since they got a seat. Ginny, Sirius, Arthur and Hermione were still uneasy due to Circe's presence. Fred was still furious with his sister, Circe was observing everyone else, and the rest felt belittled by the heavy tension that crushed the ambience.

"I agree," Nott intervened, his eyes immediately looking at Remus and Granger. The former sighed with exhaustion. The event planned by Voldemort was going to take place tomorrow and since Circe's appearance and Molly's outbreak of rage, the whole group had barely spoken, making a clear distinction between the ones who were uncomfortable because of the ex-Death Eater's presence and the ones who were trying to keep an open mind about it.

"Didn't you lot agree with Circe's idea?" Ginny commented with a dry tone, clearly annoyed, "What's there more to speak about?"

"We can't just appear in there and rescue Lilith's grandma, Ginny," George replied with an obvious tone, already tired of the tension between his little sister and his twin.

"Don't bother, Georgie. Remember our little sister here only listens to us when it fucking suits her," Fred added, with his cold stare glued to Ginny and his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Ginny rolled her eyes and glared at her brother, "Fuck off."

Arthur took his thumb and his pointy finger to the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"Can we, please, focus?"

"Alright," Remus decided to change the topic back to the initial discussion, "I've been thinking about this situation the whole night. Circe, if I'm not mistaken, the manor has three floors, right?" 

The Snape woman nodded, "The stairs that take to them surround the hall where the throne is, it allows the people in those upper floors to see what's going on in the main one. Most of the time, when there's an event at the manor, Death Eaters are positioned on those floors to study and observe the crowd in case anyone is planning an attack against Tom. And, of course, he loves to make events in that hall so everyone can see his wealth and power displayed on the throne."

"Right, that's something we need to get sorted out," Remus continued, "We must find those Death Eaters and get rid of them."

Seeing the little smirk that appeared on Theo, Circe and Draco's faces, Remus saw himself obligated to state;

"Not killing them. Unless it is strictly necessary because your own lives are at risk. With a Desmaius should be enough."

"We need to make sure every spot occupied by Death Eaters that can out us is covered by a member of the Order," Hermione agreed, "If we control those, getting close to Eileen shouldn't be that difficult."

"Except it will," Circe intervened, not caring about the twist of disgust that covered some of the Weasleys' faces whenever she spoke up, "My mother will probably be escorted by Bellatrix or Lucius themselves. I already told you Tom is expecting us, he wouldn't leave such a high-valued prisoner in anyone's hands but in those he trusts the most."

"So what do you suggest?" Remus asked.

"It's incredibly risky but we don't have any other option. We must attack once my mother is placed in front of Tom, probably from the second floor to buy ourselves more time. The Death Eaters will be placed behind him, if someone happens to attack at that same moment, they will protect him and Nagini because Merlin knows that bitch never leaves his side. That's why we would need someone in the crowd as well to make sure that, once we have attacked, they can get close to my mother and take advantage of the confusion to smuggle her out."

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